
Responses from caphill

B&W Nautilus 803 or B&W 702 S2?
IMO the Sonus Faber Olympica iii ($13,500/pair) and the Olympica ii ($10k/pair) are more musical or I should say more engaging with music than the B&W 803 D3 which retail for $17k/pair. My friend happens to be a dealer for both B&W & S... 
Burmester 909's Mk5 vs Magnus MA500's
I used to own the D'Agostino Momentum M400 monoblock amps (2 pairs) driving the Wilson Audio Alexx speakers with the Audio Research Reference 10 linestage preamp and DCS Vivaldi full four stacks served as my digital front end source components. Th... 
best preamps
Unlimited budget could mean a call to Naim Statement gears, Boulder, Tidal, MBL, Soulution, CH Precision, Burmester, D’Agostino Momentum series, etc. They can hit close close to a million dollars for the shoe setup and system.  
Best of these integrated amps...
@flip49er Out of those 3 choices you listed above I would rule out the Marantz PM10. However, the Marantz SA10 CD/SACD player is awesome but the PM10 analog integrated amp isn’t that impressive especially considering its retail price of $8k brand ... 
Which solid state power house: Naim NAP 500DR or McIntosh MC611?
@jeredh I've heard the Wilson Sasha series 2 paired with all Audio Research Reference series gears in a very well treated room and thought they sounded fantastic together. I've also heard the Wilson Alexx, which is way better than the Sasha 2 and ... 
Anthem MDX 520 or Cambridge CRX 200
Basic sound quality alone the Cambridge CRX200 performs better for stereo music playbacks than the Anthem MRX520. However, the Anthem will probably be a better choice for surround sound movies (home theater) with ARC (Anthem Room Correction) engag... 
Which solid state power house: Naim NAP 500DR or McIntosh MC611?
Well jeredh just to let you know that the Naim 500DR power amp alone is $22k, and if you go with the Focal Sopra 3, which retail for $19k/pair. The power amp and speakers will cost you $41k. I highly recommend that you partner the Naim gears with ... 
Which solid state power house: Naim NAP 500DR or McIntosh MC611?
@jeredh $75k for just the power amp or for everything?  
Burmester 909's Mk5 vs Magnus MA500's
I've heard the Burmester 909 MK5 on the Burmester speakers in all Burmester setup and system, but never heard the Magnus MA500 before. The Burmester was very solid, resolving yet refined and musical. Don't know how it will sound on your LAT-10000 ... 
Which solid state power house: Naim NAP 500DR or McIntosh MC611?
There’s no such thing as all else equal. The amp highly depends on the speakers it drives as well as the rest of your gears (your preamp, front end source components, cables, etc). What are your speakers and the rest of your setup gears? Your prea... 
B&W Nautilus 803 or B&W 702 S2?
Like I have already mentioned above that yes the D3 is more refined and have different sound profile than the D2 and indeed more musical than the D2 but they are still other speakers that cost less than the D3 but more engaging with music. As far ... 
@calvinj Which Sonus Faber line are you referring to? If it's the Venere, which is the entry level line, are made in China and the build quality and sonic performance aren't the same as the other higher end models. 
B&W Nautilus 803 or B&W 702 S2?
The B&W 800 series D3 aren’t bad for music but my point was that there are other speakers that cost less than the B&W that are more engaging with music and are more musical overall with richer timber and tonal color and possess more natura... 
best preamps
@jhamond987 When you said unlimited budget, how far do you want to go? Are you looking to get just the linestage preamp or the entire setup and system? What are your current setup and system? Did you already have a setup or trying to start from sc... 
Preamp Advice for my System
You should consider changing amp. But if you want to keep your Bel Canto Ref 1000 monoblock amps I would suggest getting a tube preamp. BAT makes great tube preamps. I would also look into the following tube linestage preamps : Audio Research, VTL...