
Responses from caphill

which Audio Research pre-amp?
Get the ARC Ref 10 linestage if you can afford it. PSU is in a separate compartment unit. Quite a big step up from the Ref 6.I had this Ref 10 linestage in my previous setup but I have since upgraded my setup and system to something else. But I'm ... 
Oppo 105 D vs. DAC-transport combination.
@rvpiano You should sell your Oppo 105, Cyrus CD transport & Schiit DAC and look for a used Modwright Oppo 205 (fully modded) in used after markets. I believed I saw one here few months ago. The Modwright mod only affects stereo analog audio o... 
Home Theater Receiver recommendations for B&W 803S?
I thought awilder is now open to spend way more than originally anticipated. Yup...I think power cord upgrade is a must for both the Marantz 8802 and the Rotel RMB-1585 amp. Especially the Rotel RMB-1585 is a high current five-channel amp. A stock... 
Esoteric C03 preamp or Mark Levinson 326S preamp- ANY and ALL FEEDBACK / HELP PLEASE
Go for the ARC Ref 10 linestage preamp. It will probably have better synergy with your Pass amp and Magico S3.I had this ARC Ref 10 linestage pre paired with 2 pairs of D’Agostino Momentum M400 monoblock amps driving the Wilson Audio Alexx before ... 
How much is too much humming / buzzing? (Marantz Amp)
Your Marantz does not have grounded outlet.  
Home Theater Receiver recommendations for B&W 803S?
I’m positive when set up properly the Marantz 8802 will outperform your Denon receiver’s preamp processing section. It took me by surprise when you said earlier that you preferred the Denon over the Marantz 8802. Hard to believe. 
Home Theater Receiver recommendations for B&W 803S?
@awilder In regards to your Marantz 8802, I bet the Audyssey was still turned on from a previous owner's configuration and I suggest you turn the Audyssey calibration off. That was probably the reason why the performance was a bit off. Until you r... 
What are the top 3 USB cables being used today in reference systems?
Nordost Valhalla, Transparent Reference, Wireworld Platinum, AQ Diamond. 
Home Theater Receiver recommendations for B&W 803S?
Awesome! The Rotel RMB-1585 is indeed a fine great amp and has plenty of unlimited power reserve to be able to drive just about any speakers out there, and at $3k retail price I think it’s a steal. This amp is built like a tank. You should upgrade... 
Integrated Amp Recommendation
@wsomers What kind of B&W 804 are yours? The latest 804 D3 or D2 or D1 or 804S? Those integrated that you listed above are very good for the money. If you want to go with the Musical Fidelity you should consider the M6si. The Rotel RA-1592 is ... 
My dilemma
Yes Maggies love current!I suggest you get high powered SS amp(s).  
Need speakers recommendation for my system (in Jakarta, Indonesia)
Sounds like a plan! However by acquiring one of a digital streamer/music streamer/network audio player such as the Lumin, Aurender, Aurallic, Linn DS, Naim DS, DCS, Esoteric, etc you have access to high resolution materials so you aren’t limited t... 
Need speakers recommendation for my system (in Jakarta, Indonesia)
@jadislover Don’t get me wrong.....Rega makes very musical gears at affordable price points. If you want to stick with using CD player at least you should upgrade to Rega Saturn-R CD player currently retails for $3k here in the US. I know it’s 3x ... 
Classe SSP 800's DAC vs Oppo 105's DAC
Agreed. The stock Oppo 105 is very digital sounding especially for CD playbacks.  
Need speakers recommendation for my system (in Jakarta, Indonesia)
@jadislover While upgrading your speakers are great idea but I must say that you will have to upgrade your digital front end source component (Rega Apollo CD player). I suggest you upgrade your CD player or get a digital streamer/DAC or standalone...