
Responses from calvinj

Is Audio nirvana real?
Ok thanks! I get what you are saying.  All those factors are so important. Sometimes more important than equipment.  The best sound I heard was at Dave Baskin's place at Designaudiovibeo before he past away. He had Soulutions and raidho gear but m... 
Is Audio nirvana real?
Ah duh. I didn't know room acoustics, Equipment matching, synergy and other things mattered. I'm glad a got smart people like you to tell me.  Laughing.  Thanks for the basic information. Lol.  
Is Audio nirvana real?
Finally. A combination that I can live with for a long time. 7 years changing  gear at a pace that was dizzying at times. I have have enjoyed the chase now back to the music. Nirvana is real if you want it to be.  
Is Audio nirvana real?
True expensive.  Enjoy what you have! 
Is Audio nirvana real?
I used to let comments bother me but I realize now more than ever that you enjoy what you have and don't worry about other folks who will never hear your system. Don't kill my vibe! Lol. I won't say the other word.  
What has your audiophile experience taught you about yourself?
I learned life is so short.  Two of my top audio buddies have died in the last 6 months.  My close audio buddy died today.  We actually have similar audio systems.  Wow. This has taught me to enjoy my audio within reason. Have balance and remember... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
@ddraudt I'm trying 2 of them so far. I going to try more soon.  So far so good!  
What has your audiophile experience taught you about yourself?
Enjoy your system while you are here.  Tomorrow is not promised! 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Mc 0.5.  Add a little more depth and space in my system.   
What's happened to Taters ?
No tater tots.  What happened?  
Individual International Seller Scam
Sorry taiye. I had guys try to run the Sonus faber scam internationally on me.  I look at the way they write their ads. They always speak in creepy scammer voice. Man I hate PayPal but they would have helped.  No transactions, shoddy pictures, pri... 
What do you miss about old school hip hop music and why?
Well I respect Jay Z.  Lyrically a great.  However, I wish they the artist kept that first album hunger. I wish things weren't so commercialized.  I get sick of the mindless fake thugging. I miss the wordplay.  The intelligent rappers.   
What has your audiophile experience taught you about yourself?
It's taught me that I'm an audio nut! I'm OCD big time. Some of this stuff just ain't worth it. It should be always about the music first. Enjoy what you have instead of the stuff you don't.  
Taralabs cables
Well any pics of systems posted.  Good to see what people are running  
What are some smaller names that compete with the big names in Audio?
Yes I think they do. I'm very happy with the speaker.  Airy treble, glorious midrange and agile bass.