
Responses from calvinj

Why is an XA30.5 a bad match for Revel Ultima Salon II speakers?
Had the studio 2.  You need more power.  Revel sounds great but with more power.   They sound better.  
What's going on with the audio market?
Yup.  This is not a political discussion. But I tend to feel a lot of back in the day vibe here. Failure by companies and the older audiophile communityto step into the new times is also key.  This generation wants choice of music over sound quali... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Now it makes since. The only reason why comments were made about the high fidelity adapters is because Tara Labs is supposedly coming out with some. Everyone knows that you know who is a big fan of those.  I just wish people would post just about ... 
What's going on with the audio market?
I'm pretty much done.  I'm 43. No more major purchases for me  
What's going on with the audio market?
@jafant lol.  Everything is obamas fault even high end audio. Anyway. Stuff is overpriced. Service and quality is lacking? I think computer audio and streaming is also a factor! 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Agreed! The review that is most important is your own!  You have to enjoy it or at least say what you like and don't like. Why someone reads somebody else's review and then take it as the gospel is just flat out weird. Anyway hope the thread doesn... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Wow, this is why I don't post as much. Audiophiles think that Stereophile is the Bible of audio. It's a great publication but I don't take my sole advice from a magazine. I listen to as much as I can on my own.  I form my own opinions and I don't ... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Well I read the stereophile review but I think all of us need to hear things for ourselves.  Art Dudley has years of experience and probably has a well trained ear.  I have enjoyed the product immensely. I think all of us should listen and make th... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
I was listening today and making comparisons between the high fidelity and some other cables and they just pull the music out more. They get they decay right and there is more air and space in the music. I slowed down on my listening for a while b... 
What do you miss about old school hip hop music and why?
As Big Pun would say "Go That Away"👇🏿⬇️🔙🎵 
What do you miss about old school hip hop music and why?
Nothing is not something. Can't miss what you never knew 
What do you miss about old school hip hop music and why?
Most there are some guys who still do it but few now.  I listen to my jazz now and a little hip hop. Doesn't stimulate the brain like it used to 
What do you miss about old school hip hop music and why?
Yes me too.  It's so singy songy with weak hooks and low vocabulary. Lost the wittiness and wordplay 
What do you miss about old school hip hop music and why?
Hey, I didn't post for a while.  I'm glad it all died down. To each his own. Soundtracks to your life will not be the same for everyone. Enjoy the music or the noise coming out of your speakers. 
What's happened to Taters ?
Taters is listening to all the rap he can get his hands on.  Lol.