
Responses from calvinj

What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??
Used atlas mavros. Competes with a lot of cables I've heard 3 or 4 times the price an I have tried a lot! I still use them now! 
Clarity Cable Review
I'm very happy with clarity cable. I have it all through my system except the speaker cables right now. I use atlas mavros for that right now. Clarity does its best work in the airy extended highs and a nice full lower midrange that works wonders ... 
Clarity Cable Review
I don't know the intricate details of them. I just know that they have a very musical quality to them. I like my highs extended and airy. I like my upper midrange open and my lower midrange full and this cable sounds great in my set up. I don't ov... 
Clarity Cable Review
I still do use high fidelity. I use the interconnects on my CD player and I sometimes use the mc6 power conditioner 
Taralabs cables
Tara labs. Yaayyyy. They are great 
Taralabs cables
Well eventually I will see some useful information on this thread.  Too bad that it's just cut and paste! 
Class D = Trash?
How is the burmiester? 
Integrated vs Separates, New vs Used - Rogue Audio, Simaudio, McIntosh??? Input Needed!
Ken I use a KR audio va900 integrated and an Resonessence Mirus Pro DAC. Retails at about 15k but swear by it. I'm happy this combo! 
Class D = Trash?
Only tubes for me. KR audio va 900. Using Kt 120 tubes. Great sounds all around. Organics, transparency, soundstage depth and width.  Open midrange with a sweet and airy treble. Tight bass.  
Best full range loudspeaker for the used price of 10 to 13,000 dollars
@george99sa.  I had someone recommend the 3A to me one day. I hope you continue to enjoy.  Also thanks for purchasing my Rel s-2 subwoofer. You will enjoy it.  Thanks. Looking for payment tomorrow.  
Taralabs cables
Well if it sounds good and people are willing to pay then more power to you. As far as high fidelity and everybody else is concerned charge what you want. If you sound good people will pay it! I don't know what you invest in your product so if the... 
Very Bad purchase from upscale audio Acoustic Zen Adagio
Andy at vintage tube is a great guy.  Try him. Audio is becoming to snooty and a lot of folks are forgetting the service part. My first lesson was a CD player that I bought from a tube audio place in Arizona. I forget the name.  Guy was nice until... 
Have you ever duplicated another system that you heard?
My situation was unique.  Me and 2 of my audiophile buddies spent 5 years trying to outdo each other. Then we started helping each other. One of them took a huge risk on a Gato FM6 out of Denmark. At first we were like crazy! No way! Then they bro... 
Have you ever duplicated another system that you heard?
I did mine from the components all the way down to the power conditioner and cabling.  I had actually loaned the guy me source and the rest was his system and it sounded glorious. So I took my source and just finished the re- creation.   
Have you ever duplicated another system that you heard?
True. My build turned out great for me. Just depends on a number of factors.