

Responses from cal3713

Tekton Double Impacts
@james_514 I once tried a Pass Labs X250.5 with a pair of Thiel 2.4s and was warned by Pass that the combo probably would be a bit strident due to both components having a bit of upper-frequency glare.  That was true...  the XA series fixed that p... 
Exemplar Denon 3910 and Oppo 93/95
Unfortunately I don't have the information you're looking for... but I do hope the thread gets some responses.  I had an Exemplar Denon 2910 and totally loved it.  I sold it when I bought a new DAC.  Tried a stock Oppo as a transport and it was si... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Brian, very curious how the focal vs. tekton shootout goes... please do report your impressions.   
Tekton Double Impacts
@charles1dad  & @grey9hound Let me third the desire to hear a shoot-out between the: Rogue Audio ST 100.Line Magnetic 508ia. Aric Audio KT 88.& Coincident Frankenstein MK II At some point I'll probably try to put two of these amps (I alrea... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Just wanted to thank Charles and Mac for running exactly the listening experiment I wanted to read about from my comments earlier in the thread.  Much appreciated... and a lovely thread all around.  Super informative. 
Thiel Customer Service - New ownership is terrible!!! - WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS COMPANY ?
I sold my Thiels a couple of years back because of a fear that this would happen (paired with a tendency to overplay them and need repairs).  Unfortunately it looks like support for the legacy products is indeed disappearing.  Not a disaster, but ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
@almarg Ha, no, thank you Al.  As always, great information.  The Franks just provided very little bass output on the PREs.  My Super Eclipses (2 8" woofers going down to 28Hz) provided way more bass than the PREs (2 12" woofers going down to 20Hz... 
Tekton Double Impacts
@almarg  & @charles1dad Regarding the Coincident Frankenstein & DI pairing, thanks for all the great comments, as usual.  I actually bought a pair of Coincident PREs, but Isreal isn't quite honest in saying that all of the company's speake... 
Tekton Double Impacts
I had the same 4ohm/8ohm question, but my amplifiers (Charles' Coincident Frankensteins) only have an 8 ohm tap... any thoughts would be appreciated. 
Speaker Isolation -- Experience with Townshend Seismic Isolation Podiums
@bdp24 Do the pods already have a screw hole for doing this?  I've had a hard time finding a picture of the top of the pods...  my outriggers don't have a top bolt, the spike just screws into the housing that attaches to the base of the cabinet (C... 
The Backert Labs Rhumba 1.2 Extreme
Just posting as further encouragement of future updates... 
PS Audio NEW Huron Firware upgrade. 😩😫😩
Did the noise floor change? I was using the DSD direct to my amps and had to use the high gain setting... when I did so, there was a lot of hiss. Had them look at my unit and give me a loaner, both had the same issue. Eventually I just downgraded ... 
Thiel 2.4 and Pass Labs Amps
Ha!  Read my original question.  Funny how impressions change over time.  I had the INT30A for around 4 years, until I sold the Thiels and moved to a high efficiency design. 
Thiel 2.4 and Pass Labs Amps
These new notifications are useful... just to finish things out, I ended up with the XA-30.5 (actually the integrated amp version) for my Thiel 2.4s.  Also purchased and auditioned in the same room an X250.5 and a McIntosh MC402.  The McIntosh fel... 
Tekton Double Impacts
@david_ten Not to sidetrack the conversation, but Israel Blume apparently decided the sound quality of the remote version of Coincident's preamp wasn't up to standards and discontinued it.  I'm sure it's still great, but that also makes me curious...