

Responses from cal3713

Who has heard the new Pass XA25?
I would love to hear more too...   
PS Audio PWT and PWD MK II--recent acquisiton
You might look for speakers with a scanspeak soft dome tweeter.  I have Coincident Super Eclipse IIIs and have always loved how they sounded with my DAC. 
PS Audio PWT and PWD MK II--recent acquisiton
If you're not using the bridge, I'd "downgrade" to the 2.0.2 (from 2011).  I always liked that one the best for the standard inputs.  If you want to try it, send me an e-mail (2.2.0 is the oldest one on their website I could find).  I thought it w... 
$3,000 Planar Speakers
Perhaps outside your budget, but there's a 4k pair of Apogee Diva's listed right now... 
Bryston or Pass Labs
Although there is a house sound, in the pass world there's a substantial difference between the x.5, xa.5, x.8, and xa.5 lines. I've only compared the first two, but preferred the xa.5 by a substantial margin. As others have started, the same is t... 
Tekton Double Impacts
@greg22lz  Thanks for posting the cable update.  Much appreciated. 
Tekton Double Impacts
@greg22lz Please do report back on the new speaker cables.  I have the anti-cables and have been thinking about trying your replacement. 
Amplifier Recommendations to Match the Tannoy GRF90
I absolutely loved my XA.5 and it appears the reviews for the .8s are wholly positive...  
Amplifier Recommendations to Match the Tannoy GRF90
@hddg & @charles1dad When my (second-hand) Coincident PREs were shipped to me, UPS dropped them.  Although there was no structural damage to the cabinets, the internal woofer wire spools ripped off their zip-ties and broke the connections to t... 
Amplifier Recommendations to Match the Tannoy GRF90
As you've probably read, Nelson Pass uses Tannoy's for a lot of his amplifier testing/voicing.  If you're thinking about going that way, you would be best served by emailing Nelson and asking for his recommendation (or Kent English @ PassLabs) for... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Mike, for those of us without a dealer, do you know if the at home trial period holds with the SEs if you get them in one of the two base colors?Thanks,Chris 
Upgrade path from Wilson WattPuppy 7s? - seeking advice
@gerryah930 Too bad your thread got swamped by bickering.  I hope you got some use of it before it got derailed.  As always, please do report back as you listen and compare speakers.  It's great to see people's real world comparisons to get a data... 
Tekton Double Impacts
[And that mine wasn't all locked up in a storage shed in Colorado] 
Tekton Double Impacts
When I tried the Directstream, it sounded brighter and less natural than the Perfectwave.  More detail to be sure, but I wasn't sure I liked it.  Perhaps I was just hearing more of the problems in my upstream (computer) source, but regardless, it ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
@mac48025  Did you try a DirectStream DAC too?  I had one a few firmwares (& years) ago and ended up just going back to the Perfectwave... I periodically get curious about whether the firmware upgrades have addressed some of my issues.