

Responses from cal3713

Tekton Double Impacts
I would love to hear about the comparison between the coincident pre and the M-ZOTL... especially on Charles' side since I have Coincident speakers and Franks myself (copycat).  I currently run my DAC directly into the amps but think regularly abo... 
Pass Labs XA30.5 in my system?
Ohh, and not very coherent yet on cables... ocellia for IC and anti-cables for a reasonably priced speaker solution. 
Pass Labs XA30.5 in my system?
And jafant, I had Thiel 1.6s and 2.4s for over a decade, but would periodically overheat the aluminum drivers (woofers on the 1.6s, midrange on the 2.4s) and need service.  Given where the company was headed after Jim passed (losing Gary Dayton an... 
Pass Labs XA30.5 in my system?
Regarding price, I just looked up "usaudiomart xa30.5" and saw that they've tended to go at around $2700 if you go through a private party.  On the plus side, Reno will let you return it so you're only out shipping if you decide you don't love the... 
Pass Labs XA30.5 in my system?
And although folks around these parts argued otherwise while I was shopping, the amp had plenty of power for my speakers.  Thiel 2.4s:   Impedance: 4 ohms nominal, 3 ohms minimum. Sensitivity: 87dB/2.83V/m. Recommended power: 100–400W.  I've post... 
Pass Labs XA30.5 in my system?
Before changing speakers to a high efficiency design, I had Thiels and an XA-30.5.  I loved the combination. Left the amp on 24 hrs a day and the room would only get hot if I was really pushing the amp for long periods.  At idle or casual listenin... 
Classé CAP-151 VS Plinius 9200
Btw, given the quality of your speakers, I think it is time to consider a new amp... 
Classé CAP-151 VS Plinius 9200
I had that Classe and always loved it with my Thiel 1.6s and 2.4s.  Haven't heard the Plinius, but I eventually ended up with a Pass INT-30A that I really loved too (and felt was in a different league than the Classe).  Just another option to cons... 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
As you may have seen, one of the posters in here, Charles1dad, previously used the Taks as his reference before switching to the Elrogs... in Coincident Franks though, unfortunately for your information gathering.P.S.  Charles, are those Elrogs st... 
Modern Class A SS Integrated Amplifiers
I loved my Pass INT-30A. I only sold it when I switched from Thiel 2.4s to an all Coincident high-efficiency SET system.  It meets all your requirements. 
I got my stereo back after almost 20 years!
I also have the PS Audio PWDII, and really like it.  Better than their fancy new award-winning Directstream DAC actually.  I think it's a good bargain.  Haven't compared it to any other high-quality non-PS Audio DACs though, so take my suggestion ... 
Pls share your experience with Zu Soul or Zu in general
Have you done a search on the virtual systems?  If not, there are quite a few Zu systems posted there.  Could satiate your desires in the short-term... 
Pass Labs Int Amp: Volume Control Step
Used ot own the INT-30A.  Also no problems with volume control.  Absolutely loved that amp, only sold it when I changed to high efficiency speakers. 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Despite the likely hypocrisy of my post, I’d just like to remind everyone, please do not feed the trolls. As you all are aware, some post primarily to derogate others and responding to them only amplifies the situation. Thanks to the 99% for a goo... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Tzh21y. Your experience sounds like mine, albeit with the Reds in my DAC.  Definitely there was a change in sound, and I did not like it (a bit harder, thinner, and less musical).  I went back and forth with the stock fuses a number of times and a...