
Responses from c123666

How do you fix an ''out of print'' scratched CD ?
EAC works...resurrected my fave Dave Lindly CD which had horrible digital skipping on two tracks; the clone is better than the original. EAC is tops; it is used by live taper types for mastering their recordings, too. 
SE Tube Amps
http://www.meta-gizmo.com/Tri/index-1.htmlstart here 
Do you recommend this Outlaw deal?
For 2000 you are close to the price of a used McIntosh MHT100 which is a pretty darned good home theatre receiver; ie, one box solution. The McAmp will still be close to what you pay for it in a couple of years; you cannot say that about buying an... 
Great Vintage Amps-which one for you?
Precision fidelity C7A...for its phono sectionLevinson M 27.5...worked damned well with any speaker I threw at itPS Audio 2C plus...great sounding little 40 watt basic amp..responds well to mods...wonderful amp and can be bridgedMcIntosh MC225...t... 
5 Channel Amp for under $2k?
Parasound HCA 1206. Six channels. 135 watts/channel at 8 ohms, 200/4 ohms....four channels can be bridged and then you have two channels making 350 watts into 8 ohms. THX approved. Output controls (on the rear) for each of the six channels. Reliab... 
What songs do you never get tired of?
to sir with love 
Recommendation Lindley/Ry Cooder
Try Lindley and Hani Naser called "Playing Real Good, Vol 1"; think that is the title. There is a cover of Cale's "Tijuana" where Lindley's weissenborn steel work is captivating.The other tune of interest is the opener titled "The Jimmy Hoffa Memo... 
Spendor S3/5 standard vs “SE” version????
I would urge you to include a Harbeth speaker in your selection if you are considering Spendor. 
Coolest looking speaker ever ?
jbl paragon 
Best tonearm under $1500.00 low-mid mass
A Rega RB600 is simply a RB300 with better wiring; is my understanding correct? Is the wiring in the 600 up to the standards of the various RB300 rewired units (Incognito, Origin Live, Audio Note)? 
Looking for a tube DAC.
Audio Note. 
Budget amp for Dahlquist DQ-10's
Threshold SA3 (50w, pure class A...it is a beast that sounds very good..about 800 used) 
Starter Turntable
Recommend:Thorens TD160 SuperDenon DP5000 (if you can find one)Audio Note TT1 (Modified systemdek 900x)Merrill Heirloom (there was one for sale on Audiogon recently; might still be there...great table) 
best concert venue
second the Greek Theatre at UC Berkeley... 
speaker for golden tube se-40 amp
the se40 would also be a fine candidate for maximum upgrading; ie, replacement of most components with much better parts. Given the vintage of the unit that might not be a bad thing to do in any event. If the SE40 responds to mods like the 300b go...