
Responses from builder3

insurance and shipping with UPS
kqvkq951 posts07-30-2018 11:15pmBuilder3--Unfortunately, you're completely wrong. That's hard to understand when you can just, as you suggest, Google it. The Post Office hasn't taken ANY taxpayer money since 1970. That's when the Postal Reorg... 
insurance and shipping with UPS
spin4cards23 posts07-29-2018 7:22pm.......Dear Builder3, You seem to know a bit about the financial woes of the USPS so tell me, according to kqvkq9, the retired postmaster who says that they deliver billions and billions of 50 cent packages whic... 
Luxman L-509X
pokey77463 posts01-26-2018 6:41pmClarification - The Luxman 590 AXII is 30 WPC Class A @ 8 ohms, not 60 like I said above though it is 60 WPC @ 4 ohms.The L-590AX actually puts out over 90wpc @ 8 ohms, switching out of Class A at some point. (pres... 
insurance and shipping with UPS
spin4cards11 posts07-28-2018 7:46amIn response to Builder3’s post...I’m still not buying it... I paid you (USPS, FedEx etc.) to do your job which is simply to deliver a package. If you can’t deliver it safely and in a timely fashion then you need... 
insurance and shipping with UPS
spin4cards7 posts07-26-2018 10:25pmIf it is not considered too off topic, I have a question that may be best addressed by the retired postmaster kqvkq9 although I certainly welcome comments by anyone who cares to chime in. I have a small bric... 
Accuphase E470 v. Luxman L509x
I read all of your posts with interest, melbguyone. I just wanted to throw out another option. Luxman, at this point, seems as though they really have two top-of-the-line integrateds. One A/B, one class A (mostly).  Take care 
Accuphase E470 v. Luxman L509x
melbguyone99 posts07-19-2018 3:06am@builder3, Luxman make some really nice gear. But there are much better integrated amps at that price point imho, one example being the Audio Analogue Maestro Anniversary.I wasn’t offering a recommendation for y... 
Accuphase E470 v. Luxman L509x
Don't overlook the Luxman L-590AX MkII 
What is the most important component in your system.
My amp. Just like the engine is the most important part of my car. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Eva Cassidy - Nightbirdwow 
Luxman vs Pass Labs
I'd put the build quality of my Luxman L-590AX up against anything made. It's made in Japan, which is also where the MkII's are made. There were a lot of years where they were owned by folks that weren't too concerned about the gear they produced.... 
Luxman vs Pass Labs
I own the Luxman L-590AX, which is the predecessor to the current AXII. This is Luxman’s TOTL integrated, you should give one a listen. None of the short-comings that jaybe lists apply to this amp, in my opinion. I can’t comment on the Pass Labs g... 
Luxman L590AXii vs Accuphase E-650 for a Shindo lover
mimar2910, I'm curious which model Luxman you owned? 
Luxman L590AXii vs Accuphase E-650 for a Shindo lover
Everyone that's heard it has been wowed, too. I came close a couple times to buying the 550, or one of the 50x series A/B Luxman amps. Glad I held out. Even though I know it's out there, I can't really imagine gear that sounds better than this. 
Luxman L590AXii vs Accuphase E-650 for a Shindo lover
greginnh, I wish you hadn't even mentioned your thoughts on the 590MkII.  (just kidding, I've been curious about how it compares)Your old 590 is playing as I type. Love that thing.L.