
Responses from bryoncunningham

Polarity mystery: Can you help me solve it?
Al - I agree, it is befuddling. I would be inclined to conclude that I am crazy, if it were not for the fact that my friend with the same speakers experienced the same thing. Perhaps it is Folie à deux! 
Polarity mystery: Can you help me solve it?
Al/Bob - I could not locate my meter, so I asked my friend with the same speakers (and same observations) to test his speakers. His result: 2mV. So I guess that's not the solution to the mystery. 
Polarity mystery: Can you help me solve it?
Al - I believe I have a digital multimeter around here somewhere. I will look for it and report back my findings. Thanks! 
Polarity mystery: Can you help me solve it?
Thanks for the responses so far.Gregm - Yes, the soundstage does seem a little deeper. But the more obvious improvement is that images are more focused. Your theory that the improvement is attributable to a room interaction was my first thought, b... 
Quick poll: Listening at night, lights ON or OFF ?
Off. Always. 
Tube Buffer Question
I used a MF tube buffer for a period of time, both with and without the external power supply. The addition of the power supply had two results in my system: Lower noise floor and improved dynamics. The differences were subtle. 
Best speakers for home theater/voice clarity?
Like several other posters have suggested, I suspect there is a setup problem. You mentioned that you are running in phantom mode. That could be the problem. Do you have poor dialogue intelligibility in (unprocessed) stereo? Do you have it from al... 
Up or Downstream: Which should be more resolving?
Blindjim - Thanks for your thoughts. I agree with all of them.FWIW, I wasn't trying to suggest that resolution is of paramount or of exclusive importance in an audio system. I was more interested in hearing peoples' thoughts on whether any valid g... 
Other than music, why are you an audiophile?
they are emergent, simply because they are (1) different in kind from the components' characteristics; (2) caused by the components' characteristics; and (3) difficult to predict from the components' characteristics.And this would be because the e... 
Other than music, why are you an audiophile?
Anything extra that emerges may sound as sweet as heaven but I am not interested in this kind of sugar-coating.I too am not very interested in "sugar coating." You may recall my recent thread, "How do you judge your system's neutrality?" in which ... 
Cable confusion and questions.
Markw1 - I share your frustration with selecting cables. I have found that, more than any other part of the audio chain, choosing the right cables requires experimentation. Admittedly, that can get expensive, which is why so many folks, myself inc... 
Other than music, why are you an audiophile?
Hi Shadorne - Thanks for your contribution. A few brief words of clarification: I wasn't trying to define what it is to be an audiophile, which is why I mentioned in the OP that "My answer is personal. It may not be true of anyone else."Also, I wa... 
Granite under wood for better isolation?
I have had good results using different types of isolation materials in combination. In my system, I use various combinations of maple, carbon fiber, sand, and viscoelastic materials, sometimes combining as many as three different materials under ... 
trouble finding audio only DSP.
The Meridian G68 comes in an audio-only version. I own one and am quite happy with the sound quality. 
Other than music, why are you an audiophile?
I'm not totally buying into this emergence concept. I work with and design systems. So I will say this: Components working together make up a system, but the system characteristics can be described mathematically and predicted beforehand based on ...