
Responses from bryoncunningham

Being grateful for what we have
I have found that two different drives are at the heart of audiophile behavior. One of these drives is constructive, the other destructive:-The constructive drive consists of the love of music, of beauty, and of the imagination. This is audiophili... 
How low can we go with JITTER now?
Hi Blindjim - I use a reclocker, the Empirical Audio Pace Car 2 (with Audiocom's Superclock 4), in my computer based setup. The addition of the reclocker to my system resulted in greater perceived resolution, better imaging focus, less shrillness ... 
Advice on going from mid level to high end
Agree with previous posters: time to go listen to some speakers. Good luck and have fun. 
Help Me Choose Better 5-Channel Amp
Like you, I have an Anthem A5 amp that I was using both for 2 channel music and for 5.1 movies. Like you, I was satisfied with the A5 for movies, but not for music. I elected to go the route suggested already by several posters, namely, I kept the... 
Dynaudio burn in time and how you do it...
There is something to be said too for playing them loudly towards the end of the deal though. I’ve had some speakers which simply would not ‘unlock’ until some ample juice got pushed into them.I agree with Blindjim. 
Dynaudio burn in time and how you do it...
I own a pair of Dynaudio Focus speakers. They took 200-300 hours to sound their best. Two audible effects of break in: (1) smoother treble; (2) greater coherence between the two drivers. 
musical sub
Many A'gon members, including myself, use JL Fathom subs, and find them very musical. REL is another excellent choice for music. Good luck. 
Focal Micro be/PASS Aleph J
I had a situation that resembles yours. I currently use Focal 1007be's and a Pass XA30.5. When I first got the Focals, I ran them with a conventional class AB amp. I quickly replaced it with a class AB amp with a modest class A bias. I then replac... 
As system improves, do bad recordings sound worse?
Mrtennis wrote:The issue is what is meant by "improves" and what is considered a "good" system…i believe that audio is a subjective hobby so what constitutes "improvement" is a matter of personal taste.To a large extent, I agree with this. I belie... 
To be or not to be: reclocker or update DAC?
I have a Pace Car 2. Adding it to my system resulted in better perceived resolution, improved imaging focus, less shrillness in high frequencies, and a lower noise floor. I wrote a review of the Pace Car if you would like to know more about my exp... 
Pass labs X350.5 jumpers and Power cables
When I got my second Pass amp, the jumpers were missing. The kind people at Pass sent me some, free of charge. Cardas also makes jumpers, if you feel the need to pay for them.Like Zenieth, I use a Shunyata Python with my amp.Sorry to hear your exp... 
As system improves, do bad recordings sound worse?
There seems to be quite a difference of opinion so far, ranging from "most definitely yes" to "absolutely not" to "it depends on the recording." I wonder what accounts for the discrepancy. Maybe it's a consequence of different audiophile prioritie... 
Polarity mystery: Can you help me solve it?
Glai - Your case is different, I believe, from what I posted in the OP. You changed the polarity of ONE driver, while I changed the polarity of BOTH drivers, which is why the perceived improvement in my case was such a mystery.The improvement in y... 
Polarity mystery: Can you help me solve it?
Glai - Interesting. Are you saying that you inverted the polarity of the woofer ONLY, and not the tweeter and midrange? 
As system improves, do bad recordings sound worse?
Thanks for the responses so far.Maybe the recordings actually were not 'bad'. Something in your previous system MADE them sound bad.Elizabeth - There's some truth in this, I think. What was paradoxical, though, was that sometimes what made recordi...