
Responses from bryoncunningham

How do you judge your system's neutrality?
The distinction between "easy," "difficult," and "impossible" degrees of recoverability was really just a shorthand way of talking about how much the system would have to change in order to recover the missing information.In the case of concealmen... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
Dgarretson - I have a better understanding of the approach you are proposing. It's a very interesting idea. I have another question about it. You wrote:The propagation of a desirable coloration is necessarily accompanied by the propagation of unde... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
In my last post, I suggested a definition for ‘coloration-independent characteristics’:A coloration-independent characteristic is sonic characteristics of a component/system that is:(1) VARIABLE, in the sense that multiple values of the characteri... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
Learsfool – I apologize for the frustration I expressed in my last post. This has been one of the most rewarding discussions I’ve had in a long time, and you are a big part of the reason for that. I completely agree with the sentiment you expresse... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
Learsfool wrote: Bryon has indeed stated, in his post of 12/5, that he believes that there is ultimately one way that music reproduction should sound, and went on to comment that that is what it means to be an Objectivist. So yes, he is therefore ... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
Dgarretson – Very interesting post. As I understand it:(1) You advocate a METHODOLOGICAL INTERNALISM for evaluating coloration/neutrality... Distinctions about coloration may be made relative to an external reference point of live music, or to an ... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
Learsfool wrote:Bryon has yet to propose ANY CONDITION that indicates the presence of a characteristic of "neutrality" at all, let alone "reliably."[Emphasis added]This strikes me as a strange thing to say, since I have proposed THE SAME TWO CONDI... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
Tvad wrote: If one's goal is less system coloration to increase the likelihood that the colorations that were present in the original performance will be reproduced accurately, then precisely knowing what a recording is supposed to sound like is o... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
Learsfool wrote:It most certainly does NOT follow that just because I don't believe in neutrality, that therefore I don't believe in coloration! (The same goes for the "neutral room"/ "room coloration" thing). The only way this could possibly be t... 
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps
I rarely get goosebumps from recorded music, but my answer is:Billie HolidayNina SimoneEdith PiafLisa Gerrard 
Most involving and thrilling moviemusic?
Two scores that are unusual and beautiful:SOLARIS. Composer: Cliff Martinez.THE FOUNTAIN. Composer: Clint Mansell 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
Kijanki wrote: Defining neutrality reminds me TV discussion on the subject of "good taste" where serious people tried to define it (it does not exist).Again, I would ask: Does coloration exist? Colorations are additions or subtractions to the play... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
Learsfool wrote:Basically, I do not believe that "neutrality" can possibly exist at all, whether we are talking about a single piece of equipment, the entire system as per your definition, or in live music...Learsfool - What do you think of Al's c... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
Bryon - I'm under impression that you discuss mostly frequency response of the system hence word EQ is repeated often. What about whole bunch of other things like macro and micro dynamics?Frequency response has been mentioned a few times on this t... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
Cbw’s EQ challenge to my operationalization of ‘neutrality’ is a good one. Here is my understanding of it:If you were to give a unique EQ to every track in your music collection, then you would meet the conditions of my operationalization, namely:...