
Responses from bryoncunningham

Empirical Audio Off-Ramp V4 Ultraclock + Monolith
IME, reducing jitter is a key ingredient in getting a relaxed sound from digital sources. I use an Empirical Audio Pace Car reclocker in my system, and it reduced high frequency harshness in the way you mentioned. It also resulted in other improve... 
How close to the real thing?
One guy's 95% is another guy's 5%.I agree with Peterayer about this. I tried to make the same point in my post on 11/27.FWIW, I think that the recent discussion about the SPLs of real musical events vs. recorded ones illustrates how audiophiles u... 
Live vs. recorded
It seems to me that studio recordings often suffer from being over-produced. On the other hand, live recordings often suffer from being under-produced. In light of that, my personal preference is for a studio recording that could be mistaken for a... 
Do you listen alone or with guest s
Alone. My wife gets restless. I wish that weren't the case, because it would be rewarding to share the experiences with her. She is aware of this, so sometimes she sits with me to make me happy.I do have a close friend who is also an audiophile, s... 
How close to the real thing?
Weseixas and Phaelon - Thanks for those kind words.Learsfool - As I see it, aural imagination allows the listener to compare how something sounds with how it MIGHT sound. In my view, that is both an asset and a liability for an audiophile (and pro... 
High resolution Copper IC with PRAT like AntiCable
I had the Anti-ICs in my system for about six months and was happy with them. I agree with your impression that they allow for a presentation with good PRaT (assuming the rest of the system can do that).But after I made improvements to my source/p... 
How close to the real thing?
This has been a fascinating thread. It seems to me that it has raised three related questions:(1) How real does a state-of-the-art system sound? (The OP’s question)(2) What are the factors that limit how real a system sounds?(3) Why do estimates a... 
Does my Pass amp dislike my Meridian preamp?
Update: I have left the G68 powered up continuously for about two weeks. It has not frozen in that time. It seems that I am out of the woods.In light of that, the answer to my original question, "Does my Pass amp dislike my Meridian preamp?" is an... 
Music that really stirs your emotions
For me, the most emotional music is by people who are unhappy. So for vocalists, it's people like Nina Simone, Billie Holiday, Leonard Cohen, Sinead O'Connor, Tom Waits, John Lee Hooker.The second most emotional kind of music for me is by people w... 
Which attributes do you value most?
i think ranking the 10 factors listed above is more an intellectual exercise and less an instance of reality.The OP did not ask anyone to rank the ten attributes listed. It asked people which attributes they valued the most. The ten attributes lis... 
Review: Reference Audio Mods: Meridian G68 CD Player
Update: After two weeks, the sound of the modded G68, which was excellent to begin with, has improved dramatically. The initial improvements were increased resolution, decreased harshness, and better PRaT. But in the past week or so, the improveme... 
Which attributes do you value most?
1. Harmonic content*2. Coherence3. PRaT*Al's term 'harmonic accuracy' might be a better term than 'harmonic content' for expressing my preference, since 'harmonic accuracy' implies a resemblance to reality, while 'harmonic content' does not. 
Does my Pass amp dislike my Meridian preamp?
That is a good idea, Ralph. Before I do it, I'm going to let it run continuously for a longer period of time - maybe a week - and see if it freezes. Thanks again for all your help.Bryon 
Does my Pass amp dislike my Meridian preamp?
Update: I have left the G68 powered up for several days and retaken the measurements at the outputs. There is no AC or DC voltage coming from the outputs.The G68 has not frozen up since I removed half the circuitry and left the lid off. That is co... 
Suspended Memories . Anyone else like them?
Take a listen to Robert Rich.