
Responses from bryoncunningham

Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
Is there a moratorium on serious conversation?Bryon 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
01-25-11: Cbw723Bryon, while I agree with much of what you say, I think room interactions are secondary. The perceived coherence of the signal is going to be primarily determined by the direct waves from the speaker and sub to the ear.I'm not sure... 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
01-25-11: MartyklSmall movements of the source of deep bass can audibly affect the perceived sound, but once again I'd be inclined to attribute this to room interactions (rather than increased group delay)...Marty - You, I, and Cbw are all in agre... 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
01-25-11: MartyklThere's an element of "When did you stop beating your wife?" to this discussion. It starts with the presumption of guilt (for subwoofers) and asks for proof of innocence.Hi Marty - I regret the title that I chose for this thread f... 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
01-24-11: ShadorneSpatial issues are not that important in the LF as we are talking only a few milliseconds with waveforms that are 50 milliseconds long at 20 Hz. Shadorne - I agree that, at 20Hz, which is a wavelength of over 50 feet, and which c... 
Question on Video Resolution on Pioneer Plasma
Listen to Elizabeth. She tells the truth.One quibble: I'm not a big fan of higher refresh rates, as they tend to present motion in a way that, to me, feels artificial.Bryon 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
01-23-11: PlatoIf the subs are not located in the same horizontal plane as the main speakers (and close to them) as is usually the case when they are placed in corners or close to the front wall, then unless you have subs with fully variable phase... 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
01-23-11: AudiokinesisBoth the bloat and the slowness you describe are primarily frequency response problems; at low frequencies the ear has very poor resolution in the time domain so it doesn't really pick up the transient response in and of itse... 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
Thanks for the responses so far. In the OP, I wasn't trying to suggest that all subs sound bloated or slow. I was trying to identify some reasons, WHEN subs do sound bloated or slow, WHY that is the case.Undoubtably, some of those reasons involve ... 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
Under many circumstances, optimizing frequency response and optimizing transient response is a zero sum game.Here’s what I mean: Much of the time and effort that goes into subwoofer setup is spent optimizing frequency response. That is typically d... 
Preamp modifications - who would you use?
I recently had Kyle Takenaga modify my preamp/processor. You can read my A'gon review here. I've been very pleased with the improvements, which include increased resolution along with a greater sense of relaxation.I would like to talk with someone... 
DAC new or used under 2.5K advice
Lots of folks around here are fond of the Wyred DAC2.I recently heard a DAC2 in my system and it was quite impressive, in spite of its very reasonable price.Bryon 
Is 11' distance from projector screen too close?
You can try using the THX viewing distance calculator.Keep in mind, though, that some people feel that the THX guidelines result in a screen size that's too large. I certainly wouldn't exceed the screen size recommended in the THX guidelines.Anoth... 
SPDIF converter for Audio Note Dac 2.1
Don't know your price range, but the Empirical Audio Off Ramp is an excellent USB to S/PDIF converter. Bryon 
Pc to DAC Configuration
Tvad - I'm using the dac in the Meridian G68, so that I can make use of the G68's bass management and EQ.However, since robust software for bass management and EQ are now available for Mac, I've been thinking of buying a new dac along with a Mac m...