
Responses from bryoncunningham

What is “warmth” and how do you get it?
Following up on my previous post...02-06-11: AlmargI certainly do not think that replacing your XA-30.5 with a tube amp would be the right approach. I say that partly because of the Pass amp’s outstanding reputation, but also because, assuming tha... 
What is “warmth” and how do you get it?
02-06-11: StanwalI would add that I find soft dome tweeters "warmer" [whatever that means] than metal domes...The metal domes seem wonderfully detailed and accurate but somewhat "cold".I agree with this impression, Stan. Before hearing the beryll... 
What Benefits Do You Really Get?
My amp sounds better after 30-45 minutes of being powered on. I have experimented with leaving it on for weeks at a time, but I haven't noticed any improvements in SQ by doing so. So now I turn it on first thing in the morning, and turn it off at ... 
Totem vs Dynaudio
I previously owned the Dynaudio Focus 140s. I enjoyed them very much. They are easy to listen to and perform well with all kinds of music, except large scale symphonic music, which is a challenge for any small speaker. I have not heard the Totem F... 
USB vs s/pdif
I'm pretty sure that the USB input on the Wyred DAC1 is adaptive, not asynchronous. Implementations of adaptive USB vary widely in terms of SQ, largely as a consequence of jitter. I haven't heard the USB implementation on the DAC1, but it wouldn't... 
What is “warmth” and how do you get it?
Thanks to everyone for your thoughtful responses. 02-04-11: Hifiman5"Warmth" is a very difficult characteristic to describe with adjectives. It's for me, the way real instruments sound in an acoustically neutral environment...A "lack of warmth" fo... 
pass labs xa30.5 vs aleph 3
I call em as I see em and the excited responses are more than curious.Tpk123 - You are the one who seems to be excited. And your responses are the ones I would describe as curious.FWIW, I too have had a conversation with Mark from Reno Hifi. I di... 
Best used DAC around $500
I second Timrhu's recommendation of the PS Audio DLIII. A very musical dac, especially for the price. Haven't heard the EE Minimax.Bryon 
Quality In Wall Speakers
Paradigm has three series of in wall speakers, in various price ranges. For movies, Paradigm is a good choice. Bryon 
speaker cable upgrade
Rpssb - Without getting too ideological, I will report my experiences with expensive cables (approx. $2k). After experimenting with several very well regarded brands, I concluded that, in my system, the return on investment was too low. That is to... 
What Outlets?
I second Ozzy's recommendation of Synergistic's Teslaplex. One thing I like about it is the death grip it has on heavy power cords, which otherwise have a tendency to sag.Bryon 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
I agree with Marty that, for the greatest control over subwoofer integration, you will need some way of measuring and correcting the frequency response of the system. There are both hardware and software approaches to measurement/correction. Both ... 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
BIF - IME, the two simplest and most effective techniques for subwoofer placement that require no equipment other than a SPL meter are:1. Optimizing frequency response by placing the sub at the listening position, then walking around the room and ... 
DAC new or used under 2.5K advice
Glad it worked out. Enjoy.Bryon 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
My bottom line is that when I optimize my subs for smoothest FR in a co-planar arrangement it sounds no better (or worse) than when the subs are FR optimized for placement 2 1/2 feet behind the mains...I'm pretty confident (can't be 100% sure, tho...