
Responses from bryoncunningham

Pre/Pro in Computer Setup
Kal - I stand corrected. In Meridian's literature about the HD621, they say that it "extracts the audio signal from the HDMI input." That left me with the impression that the HD621 would decode the new codecs. But looking closer, I see that it doe... 
Pre/Pro in Computer Setup
Axle - I have not heard the HD621. In light of the fact that it uses a FIFO buffer, I would expect it to lower the jitter in the signal delivered to downstream devices. Just how much it will reduce jitter will partly depend on the quality of the c... 
"They are here" vs. "You are there"
A recent thread discusses a Stereo Times interview with Duke LeJeune of AudioKinesis. A passage in the interview struck me as relevant to an idea I've been trying to advance on this thread, namely that omnidirectional ambient cues are necessary fo... 
StereoTimes Interview with Duke LeJeune/Audiokines
It's fascinating to hear a manufacturer talk so openly about his design goals and the choices he makes to achieve them. Thanks for sharing. 
"They are here" vs. "You are there"
As horrifying as it is to audiophiles, the future of creating the illusion that "you are there" may be digital signal processing. Tgrisham posted a thread today about a Stereo Times article about 3D audio. That got me searching the web for related... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
Muralman - I agree that the success of room correction depends heavily on the particulars of the system. IME, it also depends heavily on the particulars of implementation. Without naming names, I have heard room correction hardware that ruins the ... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
Muralman - I agree that noise, like distortion, diminishes the neutrality of a component or system. As far as neutrality being a "very tall order," it is worth keeping in mind that neutrality is a matter of degree. It is not a binary state. As col... 
"They are here" vs. "You are there"
One thing I will say is that Blackbird Studio C is designed to be a recording space, and most definitely NOT a listening space.Learsfool - According to the Blackbird Studio website, Studio C is a space for "editing, overdubbing, and mixing." In ot... 
Do power cords make an audible difference?
Danlib - The Justification of Induction...yikes! You are a braver man than I. 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
Muralman - I know nothing about your system, and so I cannot comment on your claims, though I assume you recognize how provocative they are. I myself am a digital only person, so I would like to believe the things you are saying about digital play... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
To pick up on something Albert mentions in his post...The analogy between photography and audio playback, although useful and interesting, has an significant limitation: The analogue to the photographer is NOT the audiophile, but rather the record... 
Do power cords make an audible difference?
The question of whether a tree falling in the forest makes any sound is really a way of asking: Are the characteristics of sound features of the WORLD or features of human MINDS. Philosophers have asked similar questions about colors, word meaning... 
One Super high end cable or mid level set?
What Tvad said. 
24p vs 48 hz or 60hz for video playback?
I agree with Shadorne in that, if you have 24p capability, use should use it. I certainly do. But if your question is "Should I spend a lot more money to get 24p capability?", then to me the answer is: It depends on how well the 3:2 pulldown proce... 
"They are here" vs. "You are there"
Ultimately for me, the main point in all of this is that even your paradoxical listening room would greatly vary from audiophile to audiophile.Learsfool – There may be a variety of ways to create a paradoxical listening room, but I suspect they w...