
Responses from brf

Turntable Bearings
When was the last time you had your 30 year old LP12 serviced or tuned? That would have a MUCH greater impact on the sound than bearing wear. Perhaps, time for new springs, grommets, and a suspension adjustment. 
Turntable Bearings
The new(er) bearings will fit in the older tables. There are literally thousands of 30 year old LP12 in service with their original bearings and existing owners are not complaining. If you like the Linn sound, an older LP 12 with an Ittok arm in f... 
1 large subwoofer or 2 smaller ones...?
With two subs you will need to experiment. Run each sub in L and R channel configuration and then try them in dual mono (L+R) configuration. I had best result running my subs in dual mono. 
Turntable Bearings
The Linn bearing has a very tight tolerance. When used with the recommended Linn black oil, the spindle should slowly float down within the bearing well, sometimes taking minutes to settle. If it drops too quickly, the tolerance may be off. With r... 
Modified Lenco vs TW Raven
Most of us need to sell one toy to be able to afford a new one. If you can swing it, buy a used tricked out Lenco and compare it to your current table for a lengthy period of time. Sometimes we make changes out of boredom or current trends, only t... 
1 large subwoofer or 2 smaller ones...?
When is comes to sub bass management, more subs is always better to properly load the room and to reduce modal effects. If it's is worth doing, then it is worth doing right. 
Turntable Bearings
The Linn bearing does not employ the use of a ball bearing. When upgrading the Linn bearing which is part of the inner platter, Linn recommends changing the outer platter as well to ensure complete balanced and matched interface. Since your table ... 
Is there any 50W 300B SET monoblock out there?
The tubes used in the application of a SET design are the limiting factor not the engineering. There is only so much power a 2A3, 300B, 845 triode can produce. What you need is a tube manufacture to manufacture a more powerful triode tube. 
Which Amplifier for Sonus Faber Olympica 3 Speaker
My local SF dealer demos the speakers with both Audio Research (reference series) and Rowland SS amps with excellent results. 
Why are there no high end cheater plugs?
If your preamp is grounded, doesn't that automatically ground your amp via the interconnects? 
Question about replacing 12AU7 tubes.
One of mt favorite 12AU7 is the RCA Clear Top, side Getter, very open tube with excellent dynamics. 
Reference 3A Sema Zen specs now posted
That is one ugly speaker........ 
VPI Classic 3 + 3D Tonearm SRA Adjustment issue
You should also consider purchasing a Mint LP cartridge protractor specifically designed for the VPI arm. I found that it gave superior results when compared to the VPI supplied alignment gauge. 
VPI SDS 45 RPM malfunction
Contact your dealer in which you purchased he SDS, perhaps they can simply exchange the unit or loan you a SDS while yours is getting repaired. Your Dealer should make the situation rate. 
VPI SDS 45 RPM malfunction
Go to VPI's website and download the SDS calibration manual. In the manual are detailed instruction on how to adjust the SDS "steady state" voltage (run mode). For 45rpm, the factory default should be either 90 or 102 depending on the software ver...