
Responses from brf

Why do designers/manufacturers...?
Audio manufactures are like meat butchers, they want to sell the highest quality product at the most competitive price and they will let the consumer "season" it to their taste. 
Merlin VSM... how far from the walls ?
It's all about the room size!!There is no such thing as one size fits all in speaker placement. 
sonic frontier subwoofer connection
George's advice is well founded, but you should be okay as the SF3 output impedance is a mere 45 ohms (SE) and 90 ohms (XLR) 
UP-OCC solid core copper for speaker cable
@MtrotI assume you do not mean a sub woofer connection, but the low frequency connection on a bi-wire configuration. If so, the quality of the cable is equally as important as the high frequency. The low end contains 70%+ of the music. Did you che... 
UP-OCC solid core copper for speaker cable
Check out this small manufacture, they use the same materials as the "big" boys without the big price tag. They only use 6N and 7N OCC silver or copper conductors. 
sonic frontier subwoofer connection
It depends in the model of your sub, but the SF3 has two pairs of pre outs, therefore, you can connect the sub via the pre outs. 
Should I finish my basement
Don't forget about dust issues associated with unfinished basements. 
Should I finish my basement
I would finish the basement, BUT would do a lot of research on dimensions, construction etc. Good sound IMHO always sounds better when played in a nice looking room. You want your enviroment to be comfortable and inviting. 
atmasphere 6as7g output tubes.
It's your amp and it's your money, therefore, as long as you are using the same tube type, knock your socks off and roll the NOS tubes. 
before I buy
Why not just plug it in and see how it sounds? Unless you have some technical expertise, what exactly are looking to test and/or see? Are you concerned about unauthorized modifications? 
Focal 1027 be or micro utopia be signature?
This may sound like a flippant comment, but I would buy the one that sounded the best to my ears.If you have a large room and play your music at high spl, then the choice leans more to the Focal 1027 
Question about Nordost Power Cables
There could be a third possibility..they are fake Nordost. Take a detailed picture and send it to Nordost or take them to an authorized dealer for verification. 
The HRX "use" to come with air bladders in the suspension towers which were prone to leaking. VPI latter replaced the air bladders with a air balls (racquetballs). The previous owner of your table probably upgraded the suspension. 
UP-OCC solid core copper for speaker cable
Audioquest, Furutech, Oyaide, MIT, PAD, Acoustic Zen, Harmonic Technology, Neotech, Wireworld are just a few companies that use UP-OCC Copper in their cables. 
VPI Rim Drive vibrations
Stringreen, I own or have owned the TNT 3,4,5, Super Platter, and Classic platters. My order of preference is Classic, TNT5, Super Platter, TNT4 and lastly the TNT3. I can easily understand how someone may prefer the Super Platter over the Classic...