
Responses from brf

What is the answer?
If this is the question, then this is the answer. 
How do you like your VPI Prime?
There are less than 70 Primes in the field, with the majority just being delivered before Xmas. A little too early IMHO. 
Its doesn't matter if you buy in the US or Canada, it is only a bad deal if you end up with a product you don't like. Buy a preamp that sounds right to your ears, why chase a pre that sounds bad in its stock form and hope for the best with upgrade... 
Its doesn't matter if you buy in the US or Canada, it is only a bad deal if you end up with product you don't like. Buy a preamp that sounds right to your ears, why chase a pre that sounds bad in its stock form and hope for the best with upgrades.... 
Phono Preamp recommendation for VPI Prime
Try the Liberty, as it comes with a 2 week no questions asked return policy if not satisfied. 
Reference 3a speakers and tubes
A friend of mine runs 3A de Capo i's with a Primaluna Dialogue Premium with excellent results. 
PX-25 tube amp with Merlin VSM speakers?
IMHO, Merlin speakers are tube friendly not SET friendly. When I owned Merlins, I liked them best with 50+ tube watts. 
VPI JMW 12.7 Spindle/pivot distance
If it's like my JMW 10 - and it looks like it is in photos - there should be a set screw on the left side, just below the height adjust knob. You can adjust the arm to spindle distance by rotating the arm base. I used the JMW jig and snugged the b... 
Stereophiles from late 1980s-early 1990s
People are not looking to buy complete collections, but they are interested in back issues that feature their already owned equipment. 
New KT150 tubes?
Will the Ref 150 work with KT 150 tubes, probably yes, but is it optimized to be used with KT 150's, probably not. That is why they developed the GS 150. 
Another cartridge suggestion thread
I own a XV-1s and I highly recommend it and I know that it works well with your Graham arm. Tracks well, low noise, and very dynamic. I would not classify it as warm though. 
New Variac for Joule Electra Amps
I think a key reason an aftermarket variac may not work though is that the one that came with the Joule connects between each amp twice (an output power cable from the variac to the amp, and back from the amp to the variac, for each channel). Two ... 
New Eva Cassidy 180 gr
Is the master digital or analog? 
Power blackouts - problem for tube amp & speakers
Why not simply plug the amp into a surge protection device. You will need to reset the unit after a blackout, but at least it will take your amp out of the circuit when the power comes back on. 
Directional speaker cables - switching direction
Some cables are designed to go in one direction due to their cable construction. I had an IC that had the shield attached to the ground at the source end and open at the other end. To end the debate, just insert the cables both ways and keep the o...