Responses from bpoletti
Phono preamp with multiple inputs?? Suggestions please!! @elliottbnewcombjr Hi Elliott, Most gimballed arms are designed to have minimum friction around the center of their range of movement. Bill | |
Phono preamp with multiple inputs?? Suggestions please!! @elliottbnewcombjr It appears that the long (12"?) tone arm on the right side of the table is improperly set up. The gimble should be rotated clockwise at least 5 - 10 degrees (toward the platter) to get the travel more toward the center of arm... | |
Your thoughts on best audiophile speakers in $10,000 neighborhood? I think it might be better to look at the extra value available in used speakers. In that context, I might suggest a couple of sleepers.... Used Sonus Faber Olympica 3 Nova Used Wilson Audio Sophia I'm NOT a big fan of the Audax tweeter in ... | |
AT-OC9XMLvs AT-OC9XSH @lewm I don't consider that mention bad. I looked up the NOS availability of both the 7 and the 9. Seems both are still around and at a nice price. I recall the discussions related to the ART7 and ART9. I don't recall the details. One w... | |
AT-OC9XMLvs AT-OC9XSH I am not interested in moving iron / moving magnet carts. My listening preferences are strongly in favor of LOMC carts. My Herron VTPH-2a works GREAT with LOMC carts even though it also is outstanding with HOMC carts. The ART7 sounds interest... | |
AT-OC9XMLvs AT-OC9XSH @johnss Which one and why? | |
AT-OC9XMLvs AT-OC9XSH No, not sure I want to spend the money of an ART9. I might consider sending the Skala to Soundsmith, but it will not have the dynamics of the AT candidates. | |
VPI Prime Sig/Lyra Delos / Feedback ...help! @tommypenngotti My direct experience was with a Lyra Clavis Da Capo and a Skala. Both were defocused and thin sounding on the VPI JMW 12 on an Aries Extended (original). On a "custom built" table using original VPI TNT components and a Jelco T... | |
VPI Prime Sig/Lyra Delos / Feedback ...help! I haven't heard YOUR table / arm combo with a Delos. But I have not had good experience with Lyra cartridges with the VPI 12" unipivot arm (VPI Aries Extended). Have not heard ANY Lyra cartridge work well with a VPI unipivot arm on any table. I... | |
Need Guidance for Next/Last Pair of Speakers Sonus Faber. You pick the model that fits your budget, equipment, room and listening preferences. | |
Preamp advice On the used market, Herron VTSP-3a or a Herron VTSP-360 will match up great. | |
Thinking about switching cartridges. Agree that the Delos is a very good performer. But that table will mask that performance and add coloration. | |
Thinking about switching cartridges. Your weak link is your table and arm. IMO, you won’t get much change in performance with that table. | |
Cable Break In for the Naysayers Just use the cables. The user makes the call. | |
Some cartridge recommendations AT-OC9XML. Best bang for the buck. Hard to find anything better for less than three times its cost. Should work quite well with your arm. Fairly easy to set up. Very good tracking. A little fussy with VTA. Stylus has a good life span with n... |