
Responses from boomerbillone

switching between two amplifiers; issues of power
Hello Listening99.  Power is a funny thing. The numbers don't fit into our brains very well.  If you've watched Vu meters while music is playing, you know a 10 db jump is not all that impressive. The loudness difference between 1/10 of a watt and ... 
power cord directionality
Is the preamp working properly? Does it sound fine? If so, don't worry about it. The wire doesn't care. Most commentators didn't know it was a wire between an outboard power supply and the preamp. So it IS supplying DC. All power cords going into ... 
Better amp or better tubes?
Hello Emil!  If your amp uses a 12AX7 input tube, change it to a New Old Stock Telefunken 12AX7.  I have a 300B tube amp, too and the new input tube made a remarkable. The distributor of my amp (Ele-Kit TU-8600B) says the other tubes don't make en... 
More Power or use subwoofer to boost bass for music
Hi xcool!  Definitely a subwoofer.  Realize that 250 watts Is only 10 db louder than 25 watts. EVEN IF YOU WENT TO 750 WATTS (eek!) it would only sound 6 db louder. The problem is not power, it's room placement and calling in a specialist - the su... 
Should I be able to hear a 4Hz difference in my speakers?
Hi traceyc.  If the recording engineer didn't give it to you, you won't hear anything. Only organs (pipe) are going to give you much down that low. One octave below 32 Hz would be 16 Hz; so musically a 28 Hz note would be in the "La - Ti" range on... 
Efficient, affordable speakers for SETs?
I recently, as an experiment, hooked up a pair of Golden Ear Triton 1s to my 9 wpc Elekit TU-8600R (300B output tubes). I discovered they worked beautifully! Plus the powered subwoofer sections really helped out! It tuns out that the Triton 1s are... 
Advise on Long Phono Cable run
Hello JagJag.  You probably know that very long microphone cables are common at performance venues. Good quality microphone cables are not expensive especially when compared to some of the fancy "audiophile" cables being sold today. If you can sol... 
Need help in trying to trace cause of distortion
Hello rvpiano. Let's start at the beginning. Be sure all the connections are tight and solid. Swap the speaker wires at the amp. The right channel is now connected to the left speaker and visa versa, right? Did the problem switch to the other sp... 
So many drivers.....better sound or just more sound?
More drivers gives you a larger surface from which the sounds seems to be coming. The big flat panel speakers, like Maggies or Martin Logan electrostats, give you a "big picture. A small bookshelf speaker (LS3/5a ?), radiates sound from a small ar... 
Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?....
The Carver TX-11A is remarkable, if you can find a good one. Mine has had its output capacitors replaced and has a fancy power cord. The quality of the station's transmissions is really the big factor here. No tuner can make a lousy signal better.... 
Watts and power
Hello redstarwraith.  From all the responses, you can see that opinions differ, and some folks just like to argue. Layman's terms? "Not everyone tell the truth. Manufacturers want to sell stuff." POWER should be a simple matter of math. An amp tha...