

Responses from bombaywalla

Principles of audiophile cable construction?
There was a pretty good thread started by a member sometime in March 2013 on this subject:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?fcabl&1363313104And, there is Jon Risch's website for DIY cable contruction that has been put to great use by man... 
Newest iPhone
09-16-13: GbartThe 5C is not intended to be an upgrade but an attempt to compete in the lower price smartphone market, by inroducing a cheaper model iPhone. For one thing the 5C case is plastic versus the 5 and 5S aluminum case.I am an Apple fan &... 
High Current vs high power
08-26-13: BifwynneAl and Ralph, it amazes me how this technical issue just keeps on giving. LOL! & so true...but it's good to see that more & more people are beginning to ask this question & are desirous of understanding this electrica... 
What amp should I buy to power Martin Logan Esl's?
Best ML sound I have heard was off a Krell integrated amp about 4 years ago.funny as that was my experience as well. the best M-L sound I heard was Krell FPB600 monos driving the M-L Statement E2 speaker. Krell CDP & Krell preamp. MIT cables. ... 
How Do You Calculate Watts Per Channel?
Somehow my point is not getting across, and I'm not sure how to explain it any more clearly than I already have. Amen, Almarg!!Your explanation couldn't have been more lucid....thanks. 
What amp should I buy to power Martin Logan Esl's?
Bifwynne,In my post I did not intend to single out the ARC Ref150 (which I understand is of personal interest to you due to your ownership). I was referring to the tube amp-ESL match in general so as to not hijack the OP's thread. Thanks. 
What amp should I buy to power Martin Logan Esl's?
I forgot to write in my prev post - comments from other members who have experience with tube amps driving highly capactitative loads are most welcome. Hopefully I'm the person with the least amount of knowledge on this topic. Thanks. 
What amp should I buy to power Martin Logan Esl's?
08-06-13: BifwynneThanks Bombaywala -- very good explanation. thanks for your kind words Bifwynne.But I wonder how well tube amps that use NF fare with ESL loads. I would think that tube amps using large amts of NF would fare quite well with highl... 
What amp should I buy to power Martin Logan Esl's?
08-05-13: BifwynneBombaywalla, how do tube amps mate with ESL/capacitive loads? I kinda' recall that tube amps "generally" like resistive loads with positive/inductive phase angles. Come to think about it, I'm not so sure that SS amps particularly... 
What amp should I buy to power Martin Logan Esl's?
read up on what an ESL looks like as a load to a power amp (you'll find that it looks like a massive capacitor). You can read this on Wikipedia & Sanders Sound Labs website. Once you assimilate this info, get an amp that can drive a huge capac... 
Is The Overall Weight Of A Speaker Important?
08-02-13: Rok2idAnd the ANSWER is???i don't know if the weight of a speaker is important or not. The answer to that is: depends on what the designer intended. For ex., the Audio-Note (UK) speakers are medium-heavy & sometimes even light consid... 
Seeking thoughts on Apogee Caliber Ribbon speakers
08-04-13: H2oaudioBombay,I just wanted to add it is amazing we both have the same thought. For 15 years, I thought to myself that if without the Apogees, God forbid, the Soundlabs are probably the Planar for me as well. I began to have that though... 
Seeking thoughts on Apogee Caliber Ribbon speakers
Omsed,thanks for your feedback. yes, I can see now why you have the opinion that you do. All the Apogees you have experience with have Kapton-backed ribbons & the Kapton does impart its signature to the sonics. And Krell amps. Hmmmm....I was n... 
Seeking thoughts on Apogee Caliber Ribbon speakers
Omsed,Just wanted to know which Apogee speakers you have had experience with & which amps you used with those speakers? thanks for your feedback. 
Seeking thoughts on Apogee Caliber Ribbon speakers
Kai_s,try Rich Murry of True Sound Works in Nevada. He refurbishes Apogee using Graz's (Australian manuf of after market Apogee ribbons). http://www.truesoundworksaudio.com/the whole process (of shipping to-fro & repair) will not be cheap - yo...