

Responses from bombaywalla

Zd542, search this forum with my username & you'll see that I have contributed a lot over the years that I have participated here. I re-state: you remain ignorant.I was recently at RMAF2013 & listened to a lot of loudspeakers incl those th... 
If it were me, I would look elsewhere. Speakers have come such a long way since both of those speakers were in production, that there's no reason to have to put up with the flaws of either one.Zd542this is one irresponsible statement. Looks to me ... 
Magtech Amplifier
Thanks very much to all for your resp. inputs re. the Magtech amp. looks like I need to call Roger & confirm whether this amp can drive a really low resistive load (very low impedance at low freq unlike an ESL that had (very) low impedance at ... 
Apogee Diva Ribbon Speakers - I need an amp
11-04-13: RpwH2O, was made for Apogee Scintillas. Can drive 2 ohm load with ease. the Apogee Scintilla is a 1-Ohm speaker (or a 1 or 4 Ohm speaker). Can the H20 drive a 1-Ohm load? I was on Henry Ho's site & his amp spec stopped at 2 Ohms. 
Magtech Amplifier
Oh good I found this thread!! :-)I've been eyeing this amp (both stereo & mono versions) for my 1-Ohm Apogee Scintilla. Does any of you know whether this amp will be able to drive a 1-Ohm load? The info on the website states that:The regulator... 
Jeff Rowland Aeris or Bricasti M1?
I have not heard the Bricasti M1 in any sort of details but I did listen to the Rowland Aeris in 2 diff locations during the RFMAF2013 - one was at my friend's manuf shop before the show & the other was in Rowland's room during the show(with J... 
When is a Listening Room Too Big
Stickman451,why did you not look at the info provided by George Cardas on this subject? it's been on his website for a really long time. Or, should I assume you've already read this & still have questions??here's a link: http://www.cardas.com/... 
Will anyone do a report on the RMAF???
I forgot to add the link to my RMAF2013 pix, here they are FWIW:https://picasaweb.google.com/bombaywalla9/RMAF2013Day1?authkey=Gv1sRgCOyJ9Z6C85_D8QE#https://picasaweb.google.com/bombaywalla9/2013RMAFDay2?authkey=Gv1sRgCMeIs6LuxJuOWQ#https://picasa... 
Will anyone do a report on the RMAF???
10-22-13: RwdThanks Bombay....nice info and write-up. I suppose Coincident did not show their flagship speaker , their reference??that's right they did not. Coincident was playing their Super Victory II 8-ohm speaker. 
Will anyone do a report on the RMAF???
I was at this show for all 3 days - had a great time, met several notables of the audio industry & listened to a great many systems. 10-14-13: RoscoeiiiYou might want to check out the thread of Tyson and Pez's coverage of RMAF over on Audio Ci... 
Anyone attending RMAF 2013?
Just FYI,I was at the show all 3 days & did not run into Albert Porter (I've run into you during the 2007 RMAF & had a fuzzy pix of what you look like so I would have know if you were at the same location as myself). I had a very good time... 
RMAF 2013 - An Exhibitors perspective.
Ua100k,I appreciate your long dissertation of the RMAF2013 setup & all the trials & tribulations that go with it but.......dude, ALL (or atleast most) of us work just as hard in our respective jobs. you are not the only one. You chose this... 
Tube amp heat questions...
Good luck, have fun, and stay away from those nasty transistors ;-)SwampwalkerHey, hey, hey - be nice, swampwalker!! :-D LOL!those little silicon gems are nice if you know where to buy the right kind... ;-) 
Tried a Bryston 4B with Maggies
Isn't it 400w into 4 ohms? How could power be lacking? Arh, just because a power amp has high wattage does not mean that power could not be lacking.Power = voltage * current.This amp could have a high (secondary) voltage transformer (that produces... 
What is This Noise?
I hope this isn't neutrino radiation from Area 51... LOL! :-D are you growing a 3rd arm? Or, is there hair growing on the palms of your hands? Take a look in the mirror just to be sure!!When playing digital, I'm hearing something akin to static no...