

Responses from bombaywalla

The future of preamps
this is starting to get ugly here!!! :( flame retardant suit required before entry....... 
tube amps and electrostatics
Thanks for this info Georgelofi. The Diamantes were Green Mtn Audio's 1st offering back in 1994. Not a bad start - much better than most other speakers in the market at that time. There has been considerable advance since then & I believe that... 
Wadia news
Audiolabyrinth,the Wadia Intuition is a (digital) amplifier meaning that it can directly accept a digital signal from a source. It has a built-in DAC & a class-D power amplifier. Yes, volume control is included as well. I heard one at RMAF2013... 
tube amps and electrostatics
Stated differently, is it possible to design a cone speaker that performs well *AND* has benign impedance and phase angle curves? And is also reasonably sensitive?? yes! Roy Johnson of Green Mountain Audio has been doing this for a long time now. ... 
Who makes
12-06-13: AlmargRalph, thanks for the thorough explanations. I too was having some difficulty understanding some of this, but after reading your two posts on the subject a couple of times I think I follow what you are saying.Thank you, Al, for thi... 
Who makes
Perhaps Ralph or Bombaywalla will have some additional thoughts on your question, but that's the best I can do on it.Thanks, Al.like Ralph & you, I was trying to understand what the strength of the ARC Ref150 power supply is when Bruce wrote 1... 
Who makes
Ralph,Now if the speaker is only going down to 4 ohms, the fact that the amp can't double power into that impedance does not mean that it is not a voltage source. This is due to the fact that the feedback of the amplifier will make it act like a v... 
tube amps and electrostatics
Ralph and Al, the discussion begs the question of how can one know whether an ESL was voiced to be driven by a tube versus SS amp. Bruce, altho' you've directed the question to Ralph & Al, just my 2 cents: since ESL behave like (giant) capacit... 
Who makes
If you play a song at 90 dB with 110dB musical peaks like rim shots, don't you need the current to give that dynamic range for the 10 milliseconds? yes, you do. this sudden burst of current comes from the power supply capacitors. like you wrote, t... 
Who makes
Yes, you are correct, Bob. Here we are talking about power amps & power amps driving speakers so in both cases there is an electrical circuit completed around the voltage source (the amp) which will cause current flow. I assumed this due to na... 
What does "voiced" mean to you?
equipment tuned to sound with a certain set of colourations that the designer had in mind while designing the component(s).All audio gear has colourations - each designer chooses his/her set. 
Who makes
Is the current output more important than the voltage as that is what gives the speaker its dynamic range? What is voltage good for? It seems like a cheap way make the amp appear to be powerful when reading the specs.voltage & current are dual... 
Who makes
Bifwynee/Bruce, good reply. Atleast I appreciate that you have taken the time to get a deeper understanding of the amp-speaker electrical interface. It's a complicated affair there - more complicated than meets the eye once one delves into the det... 
True Sound Works Apogee Diva Ultimate - Any Good?
11-30-13: RlwainwrightIIRC, the Apogees are a *very* difficult speaker to drive properly. My reading indicates that they can drop as low as 1 ohm at certain frequencies, thus they are very taxing for 99% of the amps out there. Also, they present a... 
Recommendation - Ref 3a, GMA, NHT or Fritz?
To answer the OP's original question - I've heard many models of the Green Mountain Audio speakers & I would heartily recommend the Rio Chroma or just the Rio model. These speakers are really very dynamic, give you the whole audio spectrum eve...