

Responses from bombaywalla

Sloped baffle
I believe one of the members had posted that the tweeter is 180 degrees out-of-phase in a 2nd order system.I believe that this is wrong info. If you read Roy Johnson's 1997 article in Audio Ideas Guide he says otherwise & I quote Contrary to p... 
Sloped baffle
And here's my personal bottom line. Phase coherence is just one of many variables that is taken into account when designing a speaker system ... and there are many. As many folks have said, trust your ears and audition as many speakers as you can.... 
Tube amp bias question or not?
The amp has Tungsol 6550 power tubes and being that I am a tube newby I check the bias every couple of weeks or so. after how long after the amp is on do you check the bias voltage?if you check it sooner than 30-40 minutes after the amp is on, you... 
Sloped baffle
06-24-14: KiddmanI would have to see the detailed measurements to accept the, I agree with this as well. It's just too bad that there aren't many to view/study.IMO, unlikely results claimed by this manufacturer. I disagree with this statement (giv... 
Sloped baffle
it is true that the measurements by reviewers are few for Green Mtn Audio speakers. I don't know why?I believe that Green Mtn Audio speakers are different from conventional high-order x-over speakers that are prevalent in the market. If one is use... 
Sloped baffle
Hi Roy, good to see that you discovered this thread. :-)Duke, you are always gracious.... :-)hope that Bifwynne takes advantage of your resp. presence here & gets some deep technical dialogue going..... :-) 
Sloped baffle
Bombaywalla, did you or Tim mention that one mark of a phase coherent speaker is one which has a flat impedance and phase plot. Take a look at the Magico S5's specs. Is there anything else apparent from the NRC tests that permit inferences about p... 
Sloped baffle
Bifwynne,Ok ... if Tim or Bombaywalla catch this, here the ultimate Q. How can one tell whether a speaker is time and phase coherent? Critical listening is one of the methods - when a speaker is time-coherent then it will get the timing right for ... 
Sloped baffle
06-21-14: BifwynneBombaywalla, I have a follow up question. How are small speaker manufacturers able to design speakers without the benefit of the R&D budget, engineers, and testing facilities that some of the larger manufacturers have at thei... 
Sloped baffle
Bifwynne,welcome.I figured that these links would NOT be wasted on you. :-)indeed, speaker design is a complicated affair. Fully understanding what's going on takes skill, knowledge & experience as speaker design involves the mechanical aspect... 
Sloped baffle
Bifwynne,your entire post is a LOADED question! :-)we have discussed this way back in 2002. Here is the link to that thread (many very good & informative & technical posts by Roy Johnson of Green Mtn Audio speakers):http://forum.audiogon.c... 
Tubes and vibration - Atma-sphere MA-1
if you search the archives here, you'll see that several people have tried damping the tubes. Note that, from these discussions, it is important where along the length of the tube you damp - damping at the top or middle or bottom seems to have dif... 
True Sound Works Apogee Diva Ultimate - Any Good?
Brian_beck, this was my experience with Magico as well. I heard a couple of their smaller speakers with a variety Bryston amps. The small was small for one of the speakers & there was bass overhang. If I discount that effect, I would say that ... 
DAC for iPod/iPhone
Neal,take a look at the AlgoRhythm Solo R from Cypher Labs (a company in Oregon):http://www.cypherlabs.com/products/algorhythm-solo-r/at the bottom it has a note on Package Contents & it says "Cypher Labs straps to bundle devices for travel"Ma... 
CAT SL1 Signature, How does it measure up ?
I used to know what the diff between Sig Mk2 & Sig Mk3 but I have forgotten now! I would definitely listen to Ken Stevens - if he said he prefers that you get a Sig Mk3, then, you should get a Sig Mk3. And, that would mean waiting for one to s...