

Responses from bombaywalla

Why are most speakers designed for robots?
dave_b, looks like you did not participate in this thread (which seems to have been made just for you!! :-) )https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/speakers-that-are-very-accurate-sounding-but-don-t-produce-an-emotional the thread is worth your re... 
My 50W, 8ohm amp can't drive my 86db, 4ohm speakers? WTF??
tboooe,I've written about this before but let me write this again - there are watts & then there are watts. All watts, IMO, are not created equal. What i'm talking about here is the power amp's ability to deliver load current. For example you ... 
DEQX Beginner seeking advice
The result is a convincing demonstration of the benefits of a well "time aligned" speaker system and whileone correction (major, in fact. :-) ) - once you did what drewan77 suggested you’ve corrected your speaker system become more time-COHERENT (... 
New amp for Vandersteen 2CE
craig2112, if you are going to stick with solid-state, my recommendation would be to stick with a bipolar (BJT) output stage power amp (like the DNA 0.5 you have in your list). I see that you've been listening to a BJT output stage power amp (your... 
CAT SL-1 Reference repair
I had that burn out myself on my prev CAT preamp. I emailed the factory & they shipped me a replacement bulb free of cost. Try contacting the factory. 
Can I plug a
I was thinking of buying a PS Audio power regenarator and connecting that to the wall and then connecting the pole pig to that.I would reverse the order - plug the RG Pole Pig into the wall & plug the AC regenerator to the Pole Pig. The qualit... 
Replacing caps in DAC
.....last upgraded by Bob Crump.wow! that's a name I've not read in a really loooong time.... May he RIP.  
What's happened to Taters ?
maybe they saw the light & are spending their time listening to music rather than posting on audio forums! ;-) 
Walker sst treatment
i seem to agree with sksos1. I used to use 'Xtreme Cables' Quick Silver contact enhancer. http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue17/xtremequicksilver.htm 1stly it took some 2 weeks for the system to settle down. There was a brittleness/harshness wh... 
What happened to class H amp technology????
blueranger,class-G/H amplifier technology is alive & well. ARCAM, the British brand, offers several amplifiers using class-G topology such as this one:http://www.arcam.co.uk/products,FMJ,Integrated-Amplifiers,a49.htm i'm sure they have more pr... 
If money was and was not of any concern when buying speakers.
Thanks for your support, inna. you have to understand czarivey by reading his many posts on Audiogon - he is tongue-and-cheek all the time. It’s SOP for him! ;-) Even in his latest reply to your post he could not resist...I was not offended when h... 
If money was and was not of any concern when buying speakers.
inna1,853 posts03-08-2016 1:21amMoney no concern - someone is seriously sick.Money is concern - too many possibilities.a good sick, inna! :-) wouldn't you like to be "sick" like that?? who wouldn't like to have financial freedom?? 
CAT SL-1 Reference repair
best to call CAT in upstate NY & have them repair it. They know their products well & can fix any of their old products. You will never find a sch of any of their products on the web as they never release any of this info. All of their top... 
If money was and was not of any concern when buying speakers.
If Money was no object then* Sound Lab U-1PX or* refurbished Apogee Scintilla 1-ohm versionin a house built on the cliff with polynesian woods on Maui just like Zephyr's :-)   
Bower and Wilkins and its relationship with Classe and Rotel
ct0517, i was in a bit of a hurry this morning when I posted my comments on the B&W BAF (had to get to the gym for some stress relief! ;-) ). Anyway, a couple of more comments on the B&W BAF* Ken Rockwell's dissertation says that w/ the B&...