
Responses from bolong

Selling on Audiogon
Make sure that any medications you might be taking are not exacerbating your tinnitus,  
un-becoming an audiophile
Most of the artists who made the music were in every sense of the term "audiophiles."  
What can beat Wilson XVX for less money?
LOL. Did you see Darko's review of "Tune Tots?" Three Glorious Days With Tune Tots  
Horn speakers with Imaging?
About 6 months ago I set up some floor-attached angle jigs perfectly aligned together with the wall behind them. Angle matching between the speakers is determined by measuring the distance between the leading speaker edges and the wall behind. Spe... 
Some famous reviewers have atrocious listening rooms!
A lot of rooms I have seen on Youtube look over-damped. Of course, we are listening to those rooms with microphones and Youtube compression, so it's hard to tel what is really going on. Some rooms look like they could use some "livening" with a bi... 
Will increasing speaker cable AWG make a difference in sound quality?
I heard Paul of PS Audio swear by 10 gauge once. Now I agree with him even with my efficient Cornwall 4's.  
Is Imaging Worth Chasing?
All of these sonic qualities in my system can be jerked around with if the supply power is janky. I have reasonably clean mains power to my house, but it's those late night sessions in moderate weather when my local residents are not running air-c... 
Horn speakers with Imaging?
My previous Klipsch Forte 3's imaged very well. The Cornwall 4's that replace them were not imaging quite as well until I began tweaking the audio equipment driving them with brass spike and cup style supports. You might notice that the thinner sp... 
Is Imaging Worth Chasing?
My Cornwall 4’s fronted by a good system were imaging well, but lately I have taken the leap into brass spike coupling with brass retaining cups and have been very impressed with the "tweak." These additions can make everything very articulate but... 
Why do we stop listening to new music as we get older?
Good music never gets old.  
Why Are We Breaking Our Brains?
Connoisseurship is a lot like marriage. There is no objectivity in choosing a partner or what to be partnered with, and our criteria is always changing anyway. None of us wakes up every morning and repeats the same pledge of allegiance, or if we d... 
"Tuning" CD's
Well looky here - a guy who thought of sanding CD edges 13 years ago. Oddiophile CD Tweak I have also just started using "Auric Illuminator" which does indeed clarify CD output though I am not sure it works the way the manufacturer claims. It ma... 
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
"Psycho-acoustic research" is inherently psychological research and at times probably para-psychological which is fine with me.  
How much does a DAC do the more expensive it is?
Most fun I have had with my Terminator lately is fabricating various brass "drains" of the pointy and sometimes not so pointy varieties to replace the rubberized feet that came with it. I am astonished at the different ways a DAC can be made to da... 
New Synergistic Master Fuse
I use both the purple fuses and the Audiomagic beeswax fuses. These things need at least 20 hours to settle in and will get better over the next 50 hours.