
Responses from bolong

Would a real butcher block be going to far?
Marble Cutting Boards  
Heavy duty amp stand, Sonic benefits?
Let the Games Begin
The lower noise floor of 24/192 relative to 16/44.1 was a surprise to me. Though it is relatively minute, it is probably audible to golden ears on revealing systems.  
Burn in vs perception
Break-In Theory    
Jay's Audio CDT3 Mk3, i.e their latest offering. I run it always with the 174 Hz toggle to "on" with which the Holo May syncs just fine. The 174 HZ is at another level of articulation and smoothness for Redbook CD's. The synergy between the Jay's ... 
Build a Faraday cage around your equipment.
Phone Faraday pouch One reviewer (5th on down) mentioned that this Faraday pouch blocked radio cell signals but not Wi-Fi. Thought I heard somewhere that Wi-Fi might be more problematic than radio for sound systems.  
Recommendation for sub with high level inputs
My REL S-812’s got a sonic upgrade when I attached DIY "grounding boxes" to their RCA plugs.  
My Luxman Integrated has AC Inlet Envy
My Anticables plugs have good connectors but the stiffness of these cables can sometimes make them sag enough to affect contact. Lately, I have been making loops from tape that first wrap around the cable just behind the plug and then are brought ... 
Are audiophile products designed to initially impress then fatigue to make you upgrade?
Laissez les bons temps rouler  
The newer Jay's Audio CDT3 MK3 now has a toggle switch on the back that activates 4X upsampling of redbook CD's. This is a much more sound way to activate 4X than it was on previous versions. I was skeptical of such upsampling, but the newer itera... 
Outlets and Wire Gauge? - Please help!
Some more modern jazz piano trios
Selling on Audiogon
Make sure that any medications you might be taking are not exacerbating your tinnitus,  
un-becoming an audiophile
Most of the artists who made the music were in every sense of the term "audiophiles."  
What can beat Wilson XVX for less money?
LOL. Did you see Darko's review of "Tune Tots?" Three Glorious Days With Tune Tots