
Responses from bolong

AI and the future of music
To the extent that we all at times act and think mechanically (as Jiddhu Krishnamurti used to say) then we have been living with artificial intelligence for darn near forever already.  
Power cable from wall socket to power strip
@coralkong  This below is the Shunyata cable you may be remembering. I have one connecting my 4 outlet Hydra to the wall. It made a very noticeable difference in sound quality without squashing dynamics. My Hydra only conditions two power cables ... 
And Awaaay We Go!
“What's yours is mine and what's mine is my own.” ― James Joyce, Ulysses  
Power cable from wall socket to power strip
I have an old Shunyata 4 outlet Hydra power conditioner bought at reduced price on Ebay. Only the CD transport and Holo May dac are plugged into it. The conditioner was not making a very noticeable difference until I plugged a Shunyata Delta AC po... 
Burn in vs perception
OCD Hi Fi Guy On Break In  
AI and the future of music
Here is the real Turing Test. Could Not Unsee It  
Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better?
Tubes are liquid. Some people like their liquids.  
Magico's M9
The Cabana Boy - don't forget him.  
Magico's M9
We all know where we are headed eventually - total digital manipulation of sound that can give you whatever you desire in whatever room you have without much fuss. We will miss arguing about sound quality.  
AI and the future of music
There is, of course, an already vast library of "existing" music that cannot be taken away from us or modified. They Can't Take That Away From Me  
The Best Tweak?
@ghdprentice  "but being unable to put my finger on this parameter left me chasing details, micro details, imaging and slam, which can be heartless without PRAT." WORD  
Tune of the Day
Hans Theesink, "Mercury Blues" from Songs of the Southland It's shocking how lifeless and staid most music on Youtube sounds even with headphones  
The Snob Appeal Premium
Some of the biggest snobs I know are very good at getting good stuff for a steal. More power to them, but they can be every bit as insufferable as a high end snob.  
Magico's M9
Sorry about your dog, dude. LOL  
The Best Tweak?
What we are doing is supposed to be fun and a bit reckless - just ask the musicians.