
Responses from bolong

Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
"Why not just use google maps, or Zillow to locate areas with large estates and find a house with a ten car garage." That works too except that it won't reveal exactly what is in the home. You see, I have known three different people who had the... 
Speaker that are 'KEEPERS" for the long haul!!!
My Cornwall 4's are like a cool old uncle who talks a good game but will go to the Great Beyond sooner or later.  
"Can You Lift Yours?"
Every time I have to extract my butt heavy Primaluna pre and power amps (68 lbs) from the middle shelves of my rack I say a little prayer. At 70 years old I now go by the mantra of my elementary school days - "Stop, Look And Listen!"  
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
Given the increasing ease with which hackers can bore into sites like this and get names and addresses, I would hesitate to post photos of my system that might tempt home theft.  
Wall outlets
Ok, I just found the 2013 Audiogon link to the finer points of the Hubbell 5362 in its various versions All things Hubbell 5362  
Wall outlets
Nitty Gritty  
Cable elevators
Multiple risers are not necessary. If you have enough space vertically, one tall riser will lift the entire cable off the floor.  
tube bias conundrum
Sophia Electric KT-88 ST  
Wall outlets
I installed four of the Hubbell 5362 outlets last year but can't remember which ones. There have been marathon discussions on Audiogon about this topic in the past. I think mine used high copper content brass. My power cables are all copper blade... 
Cable elevators
You know "psychological" can be a two way street.  
2 Questions on tube replacement
The 7025’s can be icing on the cake if you can find them. I used to get mine on Ebay. Agree with the comment about the gain on 5751’s being potentially problematic. My previous Muzishare x7 did not like those.  
Cable elevators
What's Up With Risers?  
Is My Tube Amp Unfixable? Help Needed
On my Primaluna the noises such as you describe were always due to 12au7 tubes acting up, or about to fail. Using the chopstick tapping method I found the tubes and replaced them.  
Will China become the poor man’s dealer for high end audio?
China's biggest problem now is demographic collapse - more elderly than they know what to do with. Not enough young people being born. It is a train wreck.  
Jay's Audio CD Transport Repair
Is this the CDPRO2 LF reader?