
Responses from bolong

What exactly is PRaT???
@dogearedaudio  Did you bring up Klemperer because of the phenomenal PRAT he brought to the Beethoven symphonies? My mother introduced me to the vinyl boxed set of Klemperer's Beethoven symphonies. That absolutely mind blowing explosion in the Od... 
What exactly is PRaT???
Perhaps it should be "Pulse, Rhythm and Timing." I have often wondered whether musical timing is governed however subtly by the heart rate of the musician which must vary according to the demands the music is making on the performer and the demand... 
What exactly is PRaT???
Dancing is very important to people who play music with a beat. I think that people who don't dance, or who never did dance, don't really understand the beat... I know musicians who don't and never did dance, and they have difficulty communicating... 
What exactly is PRaT???
What would a discussion of PRAT be without bringing in marijuana? Why Weed and Music Go So Well Together "Dr. Jörg Fachner: [Marijuana] works like a psycho-acoustic enhancer. That means you are more able to absorb, to focus on something, and to ... 
What exactly is PRaT???
I have always fancied, however erroneously, that PRAT was often due to very slightly erratic timing which is why tube amps sometimes can be masters of PRAT perhaps because something in some tubes is faintly "off" timing wise. This in turn might cr... 
AA for us
Are we talking about the same person here?  
Why Music Is Good For The Brain
In a state of listening to music I am always amazed at how my modes of thinking and visualization change. I have thoughts of a character not experienced in my more mundane "waking" state. It doesn't matter to me at all where science wants to say t... 
Amp Stands - Wood or Stone
AA for us
Guttenberg only discusses equipment that he already likes if that is what you mean. I have never heard him give a negative review because that stuff is not what he reviews. The word "promoter" as you were using it seemed to imply that he is a paid... 
Silver spades
Lots of people seem to have issues with rhodium plating or soild which I mention by way of simply pointing out the obvious - metals can be a big deal.  
AA for us
By which was meant that every reviewer I have encountered is inherently promoting something whether it be in the positive or negative sense.  
Amp Stands - Wood or Stone
Thin skins are not recommended attire for any internet forum.  
AA for us
Is it possible to be a reviewer without being a promoter?  
Amp Stands - Wood or Stone
@kidbuck  It might be helpful to prowl around through threads on this forum to get a feel for the general but unspoken agreement on civility or the lack thereof. There have been plenty of spats on this forum for which we are grateful because they... 
AA for us
  @avsjerry "Curious about the success rate is v the blind luck of the draw" I have a few reviewers I tend to trust. Jay's Iyagi's ears are close to mine. He has made some misguided comments in the past, but overall I trust his commentary. Stev...