Responses from bolong
Aftermarket fuse to tame a bright system? @audphile1 Paul McGowan On Audiophile Fuses Paul of PS Audio describes his astonishment at what a difference audiophile fuses made in his system. His first experience was a blind test during which he didn't even know what the tweak was. We also... | |
Aftermarket fuse to tame a bright system? The Audio Magic Masterpiece M2 fuses have now been through what must have been a pretty good burn-in. All I can say is that everything now sounds "right," and this is the first time in my 4 years working with this system that I can say such a thin... | |
Humour A husband and wife are arguing about the new upgraded and upsized stereo system installed in the living room. The words get quite heated, and there is developing a distinct chill in the air. Finally, the husband begs "Can you please just meet me h... | |
Is the "tray error" issue on an Esoteric X-03 CD player worth fixing? A little trick I have been using on my Dell desktop CD drive which is also gear stripping is to insert a thin tip knife into the edge of the tray, but rather than attempting to pry the drive open which is futile, I instead "flick" the tray edge wi... | |
My Goodness! Part of what I always find funny about the AN rooms is that they don't pay a lot of attention to the "room" acoustic - the tacit implication being that the system rises above all that. Rather cheeky and confident. | |
Looking for 5AR4 rectifier tube most like solid state There is no better generator of PRAT than cannabis - in my experience. Even better - it can be "tube rolled’ by variety. This is, in effect, a modification of circuitry. | |
It Pegged the Needle on My "BS Meter". Now, I'm A Believer. Ever Happen to You? The Philips CD clamp in my Jay's Audio CDT3 MK3 probably has enough mass already to achieve a "flywheel effect." | |
The Psychology Of Collecting A Freudian Dump I realize this may all seem "sketchy," but we are heading to a rousing conclusion about music pretty soon I am sure. | |
Aftermarket fuse to tame a bright system? @jjj666 "Ahem...changing the toe-in (or lack thereof) of your speakers can greatly impact treble. Give it a try before lightening the wallet with multi-colored unidirectional fuses." Believe it or not, there is a very high probability that most ... | |
My Goodness! @tablejocky There you go. | |
My Goodness! @tablejocky There you go. | |
My Goodness! @carlsbad2 "So you think you can listen to a youtube recording of a random system on your system and know what the random system sounds like?" I should have been clearer. Wasn't listening through my stereo system. Was listening through very mid... | |
Aftermarket fuse to tame a bright system? It took me a while to realize that over damping a room with bass baffles and traps can sometimes boost treble. Duh! | |
My Goodness! @pindac "I am comfortable with the claim I have heard the AN Youtube Demo' bettered with equipment costing a fraction of their prices." So then you are avowing that systems can be auditioned successfully via Youtube? | |
My Goodness! Of course, the elephant in the room here, literally, is that ear to ear encounters with systems at trade shows can be equally fuzzy as can be demos in dealer store rooms. It’s a wild and rocky world out there. Somehow, we manage to figure it all o... |