
Responses from bolong

Affordable Grounding
The "signal ground" tactic to a DIY "signal grounding box" worked very well on my system. The ground leads buried in the grounding box material (fine quartz sand mixed with fine graphite powder) are soldered to RCA connectors which are then plugge... 
Primaluna tube rolling 12AU7 Notes
Powering horn speakers (Cornwall 4) the Amperex Bugle Boys always worked best in the Evo 400 pre and power - for me. In the gain positions, these tubes more than made up for the mediocre Primaluna tubes in the rest of the positions. Also had the b... 
The Psychology Of Collecting
A guy I heard talking once told the assembled that when his mother died and the kids were cleaning out her possessions they found a large box full of nothing but broken sewing machine needles. She had been through the Great Depression in a very, v... 
My Goodness!
There is more going on here than just "speakers." Would agree with many though that AN speakers are way overpriced for what they are. Audio Excellence Canada Review "Audio Excellence" in Toronto always has colorful things to say about Audio Note... 
Aftermarket fuse to tame a bright system?
Least Biased Fuse Review I Have Seen So Far Might be worth noting that this fuse hasn't even been burned in for any appreciable time either/  
What is the science behind audiophile fuses?
Waste Of Money? Most unbiased review of audiophile fuses I have seen so far.  
What is the science behind audiophile fuses?
Inherit the Wind  
Deals Gone Bad
What were the sellers' customer satisfaction scores?  
Aftermarket fuse to tame a bright system?
Synergistic Fuse Experience  
Modern Covers of Classics
Linda Ronstadt's version of "Good Bye" on the What's New album. Han's Theesink's version of "A Hundred and Ten In the Shade" on the Songs From the Southland album. Jerry Garcia's version of "Two Soldiers" on the Jerry Garcia/David Grisman album ... 
Aftermarket fuse to tame a bright system?
My overall impression of the Audio Magic M2 fuse is that it reduces distortion. I would not call that "meddling with coloration." This whole process was illuminating in that regard - much of what listeners may be calling brightness, bassiness, etc... 
The Psychology Of Collecting
Except that such a wall of LP's can have room acoustic advantages.  
Aftermarket fuse to tame a bright system?
@audphile1  Paul McGowan On Audiophile Fuses Paul of PS Audio describes his astonishment at what a difference audiophile fuses made in his system. His first experience was a blind test during which he didn't even know what the tweak was. We also... 
Aftermarket fuse to tame a bright system?
The Audio Magic Masterpiece M2 fuses have now been through what must have been a pretty good burn-in. All I can say is that everything now sounds "right," and this is the first time in my 4 years working with this system that I can say such a thin... 
A husband and wife are arguing about the new upgraded and upsized stereo system installed in the living room. The words get quite heated, and there is developing a distinct chill in the air. Finally, the husband begs "Can you please just meet me h...