
Responses from bolong

Bananas rule, spades drool. End of discussion.
It is when two spades at once atop one another have to be installed that I find the problems with loosening start. The likelihood of two stacked spades coming loose in time is much higher. My Rel subs require such a connection ("high level,") and ... 
Volume levels
Recently inserted AGD Audion MKIII monoblocs in my system and have found that lower and higher volume levels have become a non-issue since the GanFet conveys more information clearly enough that there is much less distortion in the sound path. In ... 
how many ways to hook up a subwoofer
Paul McGowan on "High Level" sub connection  
Organic electronica Music
Very good. And also: Deuter  
Newer Blues Artists or Recordings
Han Theesink's "Songs of the Southland." All hands on deck are juicy musicians, and the recording is top notch.  
REL Hum. Stumped
Is your system on a dedicated AC line?  
"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"
BAACH4MAC Fortunately, there are people serious enough about "equipment" that they can come up with breakthroughs like this. I daresay these same people are also great appreciators of the music itself.  
"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"
Musicophilia This is about the lightning-struck man who is the first chapter of Oliver Sachs' book "Musicophilia."  
"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"
No problem. It’s the way it goes on public forums. Humans being the itchy and scratchy entities they are they are more enamored of picking fights over relatively innocuous things especially now that the media environment has been pitched so shrill... 
"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"
That was not a sales pitch. That was an example of a material that has high vibrational characteristics that might also be called a sound. That was the topic at hand. You had no way of knowing this, but I am 70 years old and about to hang it up w... 
Why Music Is Good For The Brain
Why We Remember Music and Forget Everything Else "In a 2010 study published in Music Perception, Halpern and colleagues had musicians listen to the first minute of familiar classical pieces and record their judgments of the emotions they were hea... 
"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"
If you have dug into Bigfoot you know they have a highly developed and sometimes devious sense of humor. My "orgonite plug."  Please explain.  
"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"
Dude - watch the video. All will be explained. It is not sensationalist. Why you would automatically assume that I would direct your attention to something distracting is puzzling, nor would I ever be engaged in "derailing" a thread that I had sta... 
"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"
I was hoping this thread would expose some of the people here who pride themselves on being open-minded but who in fact have some old-fashioned prejudices still lurking in their dark corners. Everyone does.    
"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"
Mahgister - Did you actually listen to the entire interview? I can't believe you did. There are things in there in concordance with your general take on sound and music. Very surprising to hear your reaction.