
Responses from bob_bundus

FM Tuners
dunno - I'd guess that depends upon how much radio you listen to & the quality of the broadcasts? Hopefully someone with experience you seek will chime in here... 
Well Tempered Turntable Tweaks
Meles I'm not in the WellTempered club but follow this link to all of the archived forum posts containing reference to Well Tempered: 
FM Tuners
Magnum Dynalab's tuners are top notch; I'd think you couldn't go wrong with the MD102 although have no experience with that piece. My old Dynalab FT101 has been running since 1984 & still sounds very good; certainly good enough for radio.Also ... 
Unreadable CDs: unscientific testing
Sean are you sure it was RUBBING compound? I would think that POLISHING compound was used which is far less abrasive. I've even heard of toothpaste being applied, dunno what brand but again it would have to contain only a fine grit abrasive. 
Antenna cable
Other part of the question was about the type F connectors. They are easy to install IF you have some experience doing this sort of thing or someone helpful to guide you in person initially. Those experienced in cable terminating can eyeball this ... 
Which support for underneath CD player?
Pend there are a thousand opinions on this issue: My own results with inner tubes were not good at all, but it won't hurt to try it. Good results were achieved with a Black Diamond shelf sitting on Vibrapods. Cones are then placed under the CDP in... 
noisy volume pot
Beware of cleaners also containing an oily lubricant which will, as Richard cautions, attract more dust into the control. This will work for awhile but then eventually degrade back to noisy again. Electrowash is a good dry-type cleaner that I've u... 
Least Losses: Long speaker cable vs. Long Interconnect?
I cannot emphatically disagree more with Mikec's assessment of MIT. This is my last & final statement regarding the issue & I am not going to participate in any cable arguments (or for that matter any arguments - go to Audio f... 
Least Losses: Long speaker cable vs. Long Interconnect?
You may or may not experience hum & noise pickup problems from running a long unbalanced interconnect. I've read of others doing so with no problems at all; it depends upon the impedances at source & load in addition to the particular cabl... 
"Music and the Pleasure Zone" in today's Washington Post
Congratulations Sarah upon finding a scientific validation/justification for your high-$ high-end spending. I wonder if those findings apply to those "goosebumps on the back of my neck" as well? I get those only on rare occasion, when everything i... 
Any experience with mod squad phono drive?
I have a McCormack phono drive but don't know how it looks/compares technically to the Mod Squad? If they're even similar (this could be possible?) I was using Synergistic Looking Glass phase-II interconnects with good results, but the old Audioqu... 
Proceed PDT problem
Would be a good idea to first check all cable connections for cleanliness & tightness of fit, including your AC power. Also wiggle things a bit to see if you can locate any defective / marginal connections & while you're at it, go over eve... 
New MCCORMACK Amps --- Better than Old
Everyone has their own opinions on this subject, not necessarily in agreement with the above statements. Review the forum archives for other opinions, then listen for yourself & decide what YOU prefer. I wouldn't want anyone to be misguided; o... 
Conditioners for power amps
Even with a dedicated line, a Wattagate 381, & upgrade AC cords: I've still realized sonic benefits from line conditioning to my amps. In addition to the VansEvers & Shunyata, the Chang 9900 provides beneficial noise filtering without cons... 
KS-1030 lacks bass - Any suggestions?
DH Labs makes silver coated copper ICs: Air Matrix & BL-1. You could also attempt further tuning via expermientation with various upgrade AC cords.