
Responses from bob_bundus

Using very bright and very dull CD's to test the extremes.
It is interesting to hear how good equipment (sounds fine with good source material) will react with marginal sources. I agree with the "marginal" assessment of the Rumors disc; that's a difficult one indeed. If a rig is very highly resolving, the... 
Perp. Tech. Speaker Correction
suggest you use the search engine re: the forum archives. I've read commentary in that regard previously here - don't recall any specifics however. 
what is the diff with SACD and HDCD ??
Pacific Microsonics HDCD is a 20 bit CD format also compatible playing on 16 bit redbook players (but without decoding the extra resolution). It's a wonderful system because these decoders make even 16 bit CD's sound better when played through the... 
Opinions on MIT MH 770 bi-wire??
I'm very happy with my MH750 Magnum biwire but no experience with the 770. Here's some comments on MIT from an archived thread: 
How much power have you got under the hood?
It is much easier to blow a speaker with an underpowered amp than with an amp spec'd to at least rated speaker power handling, preferably more, or even much more especially if you like it loud. For example my speakers are rated 100 w/ch so I like ... 
Musical or scientific/technical background?
As a child I started taking radios apart before I even knew how to read. Music also grabbed my attention very early & around age 10 I was already hooked. As an early teen I took music lessons, joined band, & was also building electronics g... 
Amp protection circuitry? all that its cracked up to be?
Argent here are some links from archived threads that would be of interest to you in the above regard. Not only my comments but others in the threads are worth reading & will fully answer your questions. 
Cheap tweaks...What would YOU reccomend?
Sol322: a good inexpensive antistat spray is Endust for Electronics for $7/can. Nordost ECO3 runs $40 by comparison. 
What are the BEST FM Antennas HELP
I have very good results with my Dynalab tuner at 60 miles out, using the Radio Shaft FM yagi mounted high in my attic (for lightning protection) & 75' of RG6 coax. Very likely the Channel Master's, Wineguard's etc. would work better but for m... 
Is 60 amp electrical service enough for high end tube system
As stated above, a 60 amp main is plenty enough for stereo but is it really adequate for the whole house? Look at your heavy loads: electric stove, dryer or water heater? Air conditioning? Large refrig. &/or freezer? Large fans or water pumps,... 
Help Classe CA300 flashing Green Light
Means that my theory is apparently incorrect regarding DC coming out of that player. However it still sounds like the Classe is seeing DC on an input - that pop noise & triggering of the protection circuit is telling you something. I am still ... 
What's the difference between
Another amp that can really pump a lot of power, although a bit more $, is the Perreaux 350. At 8 ohms it peaks around 550w/ch & of course way more at lower impedances. This is one amp that I'll never drive into clipping no matter what. 
Help Classe CA300 flashing Green Light
Queen Overvolt - I think you may have a DC component coming out of the digital (a new fault in the player). Thet's why you hear the pop when you switch to it; the Classe is DC coupled so it sees that DC & protects itself. The other equipment i... 
Why a line preamp?
You could place a free wanted ad here for a Line Drive & see if anyone comes out of the woodwork? I have seen these up for sale occasionally so keep watching the ads. I do know of a dealership who had one in the used room for quite awhile, but... 
Is there anyone who came back from tubes to SS?
Ok my short story...Started out with a cheap tube integrated, then discovered solid state & couldn't be happier. The hum noise hiss pop & crackle of tubes was never missed one bit. Stuck with SS through several iterations of my rig until I...