

Responses from bluethinker

Lush and Romantic Tube Amps
I'll try to respond to all other postings over the next few days! I have read them all and appreciate all the insights. I really enjoy this board for the education from folks who know way more than me and can help guide my decision-making.   
Lush and Romantic Tube Amps
Hi Everyone -  I really appreciate all the valuable feedback. Lots of food for thought. Would respond as replies come in, but during the week I'm preoccupied with my work duties.  As I've followed the thread, it has actually dawned on me that wh... 
anybody upgrade from Dynaudio Special 40 to Heritage Special?
I have a pair of Dynaudio Heritage Specials. Great speakers but I’ve replaced them in my main listening room. The HS speakers require a lot of power. I think they should be driven with an amp or no less than 150 watts to sound their best).  I pic... 
Lush and Romantic Tube Amps
@kota1 - thank you for this suggestion. I’ve seen Bob Carver’s name on this board before, but as I’m new to audio equipment, have no familiarity with his equipment. That 85 watt amp looks extremely compelling. I have been on the fence, nearly read... 
Conrad Johnson Classic 120se vs. Linear Tube Audio 40 Reference Amps
@paulcreed @cellorover @marco1 @jjss49  Thank you all for your replies.   @jjss49 - Would you be so kind to indulge me with your opinion on the EL34 tube sound? I’ve been reading about it and I’m really curious. I love an airy and bloomy sort o... 
On the hunt for a non-tube preamp (or hybrid), long post...
I purchased the Linear Tube Audio preamp a few months ago. Count me in their fan club. Right out of the box I was blown away by how good it is. I’ve been told by quite a few people that you have to spend in the $15K range to improve on it. It’s be... 
Luxman L-509Z Integrated Amplifier
I thought about purchasing an Accuphase amp from japan. But not having a warranty on a new product made me feel uneasy. Also, you will need to pay import taxes, which is another thing to consider.   
Conrad Johnson Classic 120se vs. Cary Audio Design CAD120 MKII?
@jeffseight - I have found that the Linear Tube Audio preamp brings a ton of detail that I’d been missing with my former tube preamp. It’s pretty amazing. The combo of the LTA preamp with a tube power amp brings the best of both worlds for me.    ... 
Warm, rich but detailed SS preamp (made you give up tubes)
I’ve found the Luxman 590axii class an amp delivers a warm sound when paired with the proper speaker and Dac.   I also own a high quality all tube system - tube preamp and tube power amp - and the Luxman 590axii delivers a soothing and warm soun... 
An Excellent (Moderately priced) tube integrated for QLN prestige 3 Speakers
@char2 - Wish I’d seen your post earlier!    I also have the QLN Prestige Three speakers. I don’t see myself ever wanting to upgrade them, as I love them so much.  I have used the Qualiton Integrated with them with good results. I did eventually... 
Audio Hungaray Qualiton A50i vs LTA Z40+ Integrated
@edwinf - I’m currently traveling back to the usa from Europe. Can’t seem to find how to send a private message on my minke phone. I arrive back home Monday night. Will send you that promised message Tuesday morning!   
Audio Hungaray Qualiton A50i vs LTA Z40+ Integrated
@edwinf - if you are looking for “most realistic instruments” I’d say 100% to go with the LTA preamp. Both have a holographic quality, but the LTA has more of a live music feel to it.    Also, look out for a private message from me.   
Audio Hungaray Qualiton A50i vs LTA Z40+ Integrated
I own a Qualiton 100 watt power amp. I also own a Linear Tube Audio preamp. Given the sensitivity and impedance of your speakers, either amp would work. Personally, I’d recommend the Linear Tube Audio integrated. The LTA equipment is amazing - lot... 
Balanced Audio Technology (Bat) Vk33se
@dweller - I would love to hear your impressions of your BAT VK-255 SE amp. I’ve heard that it’s voiced to sound a bit like tubes, which would be appealing to me. I currently have a Linear Tube Audio reference preamp which I absolutely love paired... 
Streamer/dac …. Organic/euphonic sound signature
I own the Innuous streamer as well as the Gold Note DS-10 streamer/Dac with the external power supply offered by Gold Note. For what you are looking for, I strongly recommend the Gold Note DS-10. It’s an interesting piece, as it allows you to chan...