
Responses from bishopwill

Personal speaker evolution
I bet I can win the prize for the weirdest starting point. At age 12, after reading about the new "acoustic suspension" speakers (yes, your prelate is revealing his age), I got two very heavy wide-mouthed five gallon jugs and two 4" drivers from a... 
advice or suggestions for beginner on cables
Some will count this an heretical suggestion but I propose that you begin with good quality, heavy speaker wire from Monster. Put the connectors on yourself. See how it sounds. If you're happy, get on with your life. If not, try borrowing some cab... 
Snell Reference A Tower v. Paradigm Studio 100 v2
Pbb, you are right on target, as I find you often are. I rarely allow folks who aren't my friends to audition my systems but on the occasions I do, they tend to say really nice things about my Mezzo Utopias and then look at my Paradigm 100s and sa... 
CLEANING drivers of dust????
Are you sure Avalon wasn't talking about the enclosures? Maybe they didn't understand what you were asking.will 
A great DIY line array speaker????
I spent a while looking at the gr-research site, which is remarkably uninformative. Has anybody heard them?will 
What causes "cupped hands"?
Speaker placement can be a major cause. Are your speakers well away from walls and not back in corners? Also could happen if you inadvertently have a backward LE-DE room. I.e. the speaker end of the room is live and the listener end is dead.will 
Are you manufacturer's paying attention?
The issue, of course, is not whether one can create an expensive device through the incorporation of expensive components but whether the inclusion of such components yields a discriminable difference in sound.Is a person who has laid out $10,000 ... 
Nothing to be gained by doing that. If you buy a set of pre-made biwire cables, they'll have a single pair of connectors on the amp and end two pair on the speaker end. They'll be labeled High and Low; be sure to connect them correctly.will 
From tubes to solid state
Yes, in theory that is the case, though I would not want to move in that direction. However, for persons who desire the "cream and air" of tubes (as someone noted above) but don't want the hassle of tube replacements and biasing and heat, it might... 
From tubes to solid state
I think my decision to move from tubes to SS is largely related to my many years as choral singer and wind player. Good tube systems impart a lush sort of euphonious distortion that can result in very pleasant and listenable music. Despite that en... 
can you use wd 40 to lubricate ?
WD40 is terrible. In some instances it will actually hasten corrosion.will 
I think the biggest change I noticed was that the bass became tighter and better controlled. There was some improvement in midrange clarity, too.No negative impact unless you consider the cost of a set of good biwire cables. OUTCH! will 
The final solution to WAF problems / issues.
Oh my dear Lord. Every queen in the Village will have to have a pair.will 
A. P's
I gave them a brief listen in a fairly well set up room and the effect was of having my molars drilled. Briiiiiiiiite! And I have some high frequency hearing loss. I can only imagine what they are like to someone whose hearing is flat up to 15K or... 
Thanks for the info. I've generally been impressed with Genelec monitors but had heard nothing about the subs.will