
Responses from bishopwill

Some thoughts about value in high-end audio
Agreed, Bomarc. I read his first two editions (the freebies) and they were better than his polemics. I'd love to hear him debate John Meyer (the Newform guy) on speaker placement. Two such colossal egos with such different viewpoints would make an... 
Condition this baby
I do not believe that insufficient line power will cause your amp to clip. Beyond that, I defer to the EEs among us.As regular readers know, I'm fairly skeptical about add-ons and tweaks. One I do agree with, however, is the importance of clean an... 
Unbelievable Indeed
I have found that the sound is further improved by (1) Painting the inside of the brass fixture a dark Chinese red (Sherwin Williams #3604). Adding a bit of titanium white, readily available at art supply stores, can help to tame overly aggressive... 
Amp for Paradgim Studio 100
I'm running Paradigm 100v2s with a Parasound 1500A in my HT setup and getting very satisfactory results. I'm not sure just what "faults" in the 100s that Celery is talking about. The most common problems I've heard with them have been caused by dy... 
Some thoughts about value in high-end audio
Well, I just burned an hour or so on Hardesty's site. His writing had just the same effect on me as listening to a speaker system with a bright upper midrange and a boost in the midbass: Wow, this is impressive. Followed by: Wait, this isn't accur... 
Some thoughts about value in high-end audio
With regard to the comments from Jayarr regarding R&D costs, it is borne in upon me that the manufacturers who support the really big, well equipped R&D facilities are among those who offer the most reasonable prices. Paradigm speakers are... 
Oh where or where have all the buyers gone?
They are indeed fine speakers at an excellent price. Good luck with them.will 
I'm still working to love digital, are you?
You don't sound at all like you've gotten religion, lugnut. You sound just as you should sound: Someone happy with his equipment and enjoying his music. Long may you wave. 
Some thoughts about value in high-end audio
Perfectimage: There's a name for your philosophy. It is called materialism. And, no, not all of us share your devotion to it.will 
Music to die to
The last four minutes of Gotterdammerung.Ernest Bullock: Give Us the Wings of FaithArvo Part: De ProfundisPiaf: La Vie en RoseWilliam Harris: Most Glorious Lord of LifeWillie Nelson: You Were Always On My MindAnd, of course, at the moment of death... 
I'm still working to love digital, are you?
If you will tolerate a viewpoint from someone firmly in the digital camp, I think Ehider's illustration, just above, is an apt one. After years of listening to both live and recorded music with ears that have generally, sometimes grudgingly, been ... 
Professional vs. Consumer speakers
My brief experience as a "consultant" (supposedly, I knew something about how 19th century English choral music was supposed to sound...) for a small studio/production company introduced me to many of the realities of the recording industry touche... 
Sellers adding for PayPal use is plainly BS
Well, we all have our quirks and blind spots. As previously noted, I will buy only from sellers who ship COD. They don't wanna do COD, we don't do business, it's that simple. Interestingly, despite all the indignant sellers who got up on their hin... 
Fraud alert Fair warning to Audiogoners.
I think we're all grateful to Glreno for putting us wise to this apparent fraud. At the same time, I think we should give ear to the questions raised by Gary Boren. In times of national crisis, or even ongoing national stress, the temptation towar... 
what is the best super speaker and why?
Albert, I must admit that it has been a number of years since I heard a Soundlabs system up close and personal. Your point is well taken.will