
Responses from bishopwill

Music to test with:
Unsound, thank you for clarifying the point I was trying to make. To be sure, the sound of a viola will be affected by the environment in which it is played. But if one listens to many violas played in many environments, one will come to learn the... 
Music to test with:
Actually, there is an excellent reason for using music created with natural acoustic instruments rather than synthesizers or other esoteric electronica. We know (at least musically educated people know) what an oboe, piano, violin, upright bass, o... 
Words From the Wise
1. Speakers do not make more difference than any other component.2. Speakers make more difference than ALL the other components COMBINED.3. Item #2 can be proved in less than 15 minutes to anyone willing to sit and listen.4. Don't be an ass about ... 
How remove oxydation from spades?
I second Albert's recommendation. I've used this product on both audio and medical equipment and it works wonderfully.will 
state songs -- our suggestions?
Any other old civil rights activists remember, "Mississippi, Find Yourself Another Country To Be Part Of"??? 
Basic Repertoire
The NPR materials are quite useful.Dubal's book has received a warm reception but I found it heavily biased toward the piano (he's a pianist) and quite idiosyncratic. A good read, though.will 
Audio and Wine?
I placed small ferrites around the stems of all my Reidel glasses. The difference is AMAZING! Trying cryo next week. Will advise.will 
CD Player with a Front Row Presentation?
Sugarbrie and Tireguy are right on target: Many factors have more influence on "up front" sound than the CD player. Surely the most important factor is the miking and mixing techniques. Choose recordings accordingly. Next would be the speakers, th... 
Most Sublime Beethoven Symphony
For performances that are both vigorous and rigorous, you can always count on Solti/Chicago. The miking/mixing isn't always the greatest, though. Sometimes you have to listen around the bonehead engineers.will 
Innaugural DVD
U-571 has fantastic surround effects and your wife can ogle The Matthew.Although it doesn't have a lot of glitzy surround effects, Harry Potter has gorgeous sound.will 
Ever wonder why things are screwed up?
Since we're totally off audiophile topics, I'll share a story of equal absurdity to Ben's tale.A few years ago, I allowed my driving license to expire by a couple of days. I went to the office, passed my renewal test, was assessed a small fine for... 
How long can Magnepan speaker last?
I've seen one pair that was kept in a humid, un-air conditioned home for years. The grill cloth rotted and glue joint in one corner of one frame came apart but they still sounded great. A dab of glue fixed the joint but I don't know what he ever d... 
Ever lost desire to listen to your system because
This is why I have completely given up on analog. I had an analogue system for years that was at or near SOTA for the time. And a large vinyl collection.Now, after years of digital of increasing quality, I find that I simply have zero tolerance fo... 
Ever wonder why things are screwed up?
Albert, we nominate you as the James Burke of Audiogon. Great work, brother!will 
what speakers to use?
I think you would find the Paradigm Studio Reference series a major step up from Def Tech at little difference in cost. And there are many other excellent possibilities that I'm sure others will suggest.Have fun choosing. Let us know what you deci...