
Responses from bishopwill

Songs that you just have to sing
Tubegroover: Don't be daunted in the least. There's nothing like hammering that very last "Vincerò!" and bowing, exhausted and fulfilled, to your audience, even when the audience is nothing more than the shampoo bottles in your own steamy shower.... 
Songs that you just have to sing
Nessun dorma (complete to mopping your face with a gigantic handkerchief at the end)Una voce poco fa (in the shower, in your best screechy falsetto)The Lamb by John Tavener (Try to get all those chromatics right without peeking at the score...just... 
Any "musicians" in the bunch?
I play double reeds (bassoon, oboe, English horn, krummhorn). Played with second and third tier symphonies for several years, did some studio work in Nashville, and several zillion hours with amateur chamber groups. Can play piano just well enough... 
New Lowther Drivers.
No, no, NO, twl! You've missed my point completely. And you've gotten defensive, which was NOT what I wanted.You and I have been through this before. If the composer didn't want you to hear pitches below 40Hz then s/he would not have written them.... 
New Lowther Drivers.
This again brings us to the perennial question of whether we are listening to the sound or to the music. It is pretty clear when twl makes statements like "I can live with 40Hz" that he is opting for listening to the sound.THERE IS NOTHING WRONG W... 
How to keep housemates from using your rig?
I don't know, Pops, the PING of aluminum might be deeply satisfying...will 
Shipping prices and buyers...
I agree that MBE and similar shippers' agents charge obscene prices for packaging. I just hung out and watched how they do it and now I pack it that way, myself. Knock on wood, no damage so far.will 
How to keep housemates from using your rig?
What a knot of toads. By the time my son was 8 years old he had not only learned how to operate my system properly and carefully but how to defend it from the his grimy little friends. What a pity your roommates grew up without suitable parenting.... 
New Lowther Drivers.
Sounds like a great project. Please do keep us informed.will 
SACD finally taking-off? non-classical listeners
I agree with Albert. Those of us who have extensive experience with high quality equipment in both formats are probably better prepared to speak to their relative merits. But see again my remarks about why people who have heavily invested in one f... 
SACD finally taking-off? non-classical listeners
Again, Jadem, well said! And Bomarc demonstrates the enlightened attitude that we all might well adopt: Listen to what you will, believe what you will, eschew dogmatic pronouncements about the superiority of one medium over another, have fun.will 
SACD finally taking-off? non-classical listeners
Jadem, your thinking is right on target. One may be dismayed at the instant hackle-raising that occurs whenever there is an analog-digital comparison, but it isn't really hard to understand. Obviously, someone who has invested tens of thousands of... 
SACD finally taking-off? non-classical listeners
Calm yourself, Albert. My goodness, such upset about such a little thing. I regret that you were offended; such was not my intention.The fact is that I had several thousand LPs for many years, a fine analog setup, and a very dedicated and careful ... 
SACD finally taking-off? non-classical listeners
Alas, no amount of setting up, tweaking, adjusting, cleaning, polishing, or praying will eliminate the snap, crackle, and pop. You just have to learn to listen around it.Would that it were not so. Many of us would still be listening to vinyl.will 
advice or suggestions for beginner on cables
I merely argue that our friend should decide for himself what is significant and what is not, rather than having that decision made for him. Perhaps he will end up with something hugely expensive but that should be his call, not ours.will