
Responses from bikerduud

2 JL Audio F112s or 2 Velodyne DD... wihthMBL 121?
I purchased a JLAudio F113 to augment my B&W 800 speakers and cold not be happier. JL may be the new guy on the block for high-end stereo, but they know bass really well. The digital set-up calibration is very straight-forward and easy to perf... 
Old Krell vs new Krell amps...
IMO, the older Krell KAS-2 mono amps are not Krell's best sounding amps, not by a long shot. Krell made a major step forward with the FPB series of amps. Therefore, if the newer Evo amps are at least as good as the FPB amps, then I would definitel... 
Goldmund Speakers, one question?
Goldmund designs and markets their speakers as part of a complete system including digital front-end, electronics, and cables. There are only a few Goldmund showrooms in the world to hear this system, but if you have the chance it is well worth it... 
Anyone know what tweeter Wilson speakers are using
Wilson does still use Focal tweeters in their speakers, but they are not off-the-shelf units. After receiving them from Focal, Wilson modifies the back side of it with a diffraction cone assembly. 
From LP12 to where...?
If you haven't given up hope on your LP12 you might want to consider contacting a Naim Audio dealer and discuss with them the great mod's that they offer for the Lp12. I switched from the Lingo and Ekos to Naim's Armegeddon power supply and Aro to... 
Bryston 14B-SST or Pass Labs X 350.5
I used to own Pass X-600 mono's with a an X-1 preamp driving my B%W 800's and switched to the much less expensive Bryston 7B-SST mono's and BP-26 preamp with the same speaker setup. I was hoping the Bryston set-up would still be in the same ballpa... 
Wilson sophia fuse
Fuses? Wilson speakers use Caddock resistors, not fuses. If you are looking for an alternative, please know that these speakers are tuned with these resistors specifically. They not only affect the sound quality but are designed to protect the dri... 
Best looking Amp/Preamp/Integrated?
IMO, I think the Jeff Rowland integrated amp is gorgeous, probably the most so for this category. 
Graham, Naim Aro, or Linn arms?
I purchased a Naim Aro tonearm for my LP12 and have never been happier. It replaced a Linn Ekos. You need to have a steady hand cuing it since its unipivot design requires it. However, the sound is awesome. Since then, I've also replaced the Lingo... 
Are Wilson Sophia's more finicky about placement?
The Wilson Sophia speakers shouldn't be any more finicky to set up than any other high-performance loudspeakers. The Wilson Audio Set-up Procedure (WASP) is more about finding the room boundaries and placing the speakers in a place that they don't... 
great musician's audio systems
When employed at Wilson Audio in 1996, I had the pleasure of working with Lenny Kravitz on several occassion because he kept damaging tweeters in his WATT/Puppies. I believe he was using a Krell FPB-300 to drive them. 
what is the best amp you've ever heard
For tube amps, I'd have to say a pair of very rare Tube Research monoblock amps driving Soundlab A-1 speakers was awesome. For solid-state, I still love the sound of the old Mark Levinson 20.6 mono amps as being my favorite, certainly much better ... 
Best DIY tweak?
Oh yeah, another DIY tweak would be cleaning all the connections between cables with alcohol to remove any oxidation that might get in the way of the signal path. Worth doing at least once or twice a year. Try it, and you will be amazed. 
Best DIY tweak?
Cheapest tweak? How about a couple of cotton swabs to clean your ears out. Only a few pennies. 
pass labs 350.5 vs bryston 7 bsst to drive b&w 802
Recently, I switched my preamp/amp combo driving B&W 800 speakers from Pass X-1/X-600 to Bryston BP-25/7B-SST and have been blown away how much better the Bryston stuff works with the B&W's over the much more expensive Pass equipment. I've...