
Responses from bikerduud

Stylus Force Gauge
I just purchased the Audio Additives digital stylus force gauge for $99.00 from Musicdirect. It is accurate to within .01 grams and even comes with two sets of batteries. The salesman at Musicdirect talked me out of spending an extra $30.00 for th... 
Koetsu vs Dynavector vs Lyra??
The Orpheus L really is worth all the hype. I have put about 20 hours on mine so far, and it just seems to get better and better. I still want to hear the Dynavector, but can safely say that I could live with the Transfiguration in my system for a... 
low cost but good soundi optical to coax converter
Bel Canto makes one. I believe it was well reviewed recently in one of the rags. 
Repair Watt Puppy 5.1 Diffraction Pads
I have replaced many sets of diffraction pads on Wilson speakers. First off, see if you can still purchase a new set from your Wilson dealer. To remove the old ones, you will need to carefully apply and soak the old ones with acetone. Be sure to w... 
Bryston verses Pass Labs
I, too, would like to know more about the new 28's from Bryston. A few years back, I swapped out a pair of Pass X-600's for a pair of 7B-SST amps to drive my B&W 800's. I was amazed how much better performance I attained with these amps, which... 
JL Audio sub users
I'm running my B&W 800's fullrange while using a F-113 crossed over around 47 hz. It's really easy to tweak this sub to integrate with a two-channel system, even without an active crossover rolling off your main speakers. 
Do any MIT power cords come in WHITE color?
You are describing MIT's Z-Cord I. I believe this is one of the first generation power cables they made years back. You should be able to come across one used. 
VPI 16.5 Problem
You should be able to pull it off with a firm grip. 
VPI 16.5 Problem
Kmulkey is right. When I first purchased the 16.5, I came to the same conclusion you did. But pulling off the platter I found that the set screw on the bottom of the platter was loose. I tightened it enough for the flat side of the spindle to fit ... 
A CD platyer that is s sonic match to an LP12?
I recently purchased a Bryston BCD-1 to augment my LP12 and couldn't be happier. You might be able to find a used one for less than 2 grand. It was so good that I needed to upgrade my LP-12 with a new cartridge; otherwise, I would only be listenin... 
New vs. old DACs - opinions?
You guys are right: old computing-technology IS better. I just compared my Commodore 64 to my Macbook Pro, and it was way better! If I could only figure out how to install Itunes now. 
What's the best sounding equipment racks?
HRS makes the best sounding equipment racks but they cost as much as most of the equipment that you would place on it. 
Best DAC for Mark lavinson Transport 37 ??
DACs have improved alot since the Levinson 36/37 combo was introduced. Fortunately, your transport is capable of really singing with a current generation DAC. Check out Bryston's BDA-1. I just recently purchased their CD player with the same dac b... 
Considering new amp - Mccormack
I recall from past experience enjoying the sound that the McCormack amp made driving a pair of 801 series II. Definitely less harsh than the Adcom. The 801's are very similar to your 803's in terms of its sonic signature. The 801's are known to be... 
1 piece of audio gear I really regret selling is..
Threshold FET 10/e preamplifier. Never on Audiogon for sale.