
Responses from bikerduud

With $20,000 in your hand, what speaker would you
Magico V3's, Avalon Indra's, or Soundlab A-1's 
Cables for Totem, Bryston, Adcom, Rega
I have had great results matching MIT cables with my Bryston pre and amp and also driving my B&W speakers. These cables represent some of the biggest upgrades ever in my system. 
JL Audio 113 sub without external crossover
I agree with Ozzy. I am running the F113 crossed over between 50 and 55hz with my B&W 800's running full-range with no problems and well worth the performance attained. 
Most agreed upon best speaker?
Cerwin Vega!! Preferably the ones with the 18 woofers. Or maybe a Klipschorn. Hard to decide. 
Is berkeley dac as good as absolute sound review?
I suspect that it really is as good as Robert Harley says. The people behind Berkeley are some of the same people who designed the digital filter for the world-class Spectral SDR-4000 Pro cd player. 
The best "imaging" speakers?
The Avalon Isis speaker system presented by Keith Johnson of Spectral stands out as the best imaging speakers I've ever heard. I must add though that the system included the state-of-the-art Spectral SDR-4000 pro CD player and top-of-the-line MIT ... 
Best DAC for PC audio direct to amp
Get the Berkley. Robert Harley of Stereophile says that it performs even better than with a preamp in the system. Plus, it uses a "long-filter" which is similar in performance to Spectral Audio's top-sounding CD player, the SDR-4000 pro. For the m... 
Wadia i170 or Mac TV
The Wadia supports SPDIF digital output which is supposed to be superior to the toslink output on the Apple TV. . 
The best phono stage out there?
The best phono preamp I've heard:Solid state: FM Acoustics FM 222Tube: audio research ph3 
MIT cables and super tweeters
It's mostly about time-amignment, not low-pass. High frequency information travels electrically through the cable at a different speed than low-frequencies. Therefore, depending on the length of cable needed, each MIT cable is calibrated to re-ali... 
I have gone insane, need help
IMHO, if you go Linn you need to consider the Naim Audio mod's for it. My Linn LP12 now sounds its best with a Naim Armegeddon power supply and Naim Aro tonearm; much better than the Lingo/Ekos configuration. At this point, my Lp12 is the last thi... 
RIP Eartha Kitt
I'll never forget her role as "Lady Eloise" in Boomerang with Eddy Murphy. 
Why Transparent Cable? for Wilsons.... options?
Wilson speakers work well with MIT cables. Buy the best you can afford, because they can get pricey but worth it. 
Levinson 333 Upgrad to 436 Monoblock
I would think the performance gain from upgrading your amps would be less than if you traded the 380S for a 326S preamp. Something to consider. 
replace a full Cello System?
What an awesome system! She might want to consider a full Goldmund system using the Epilogue 1 level speaker system. Goldmund designs and markets a whole system similar to the way Cello used to. The sound is of a similar quality. Anyhow, I look fo...