

Responses from bigwave1

Is it me? Will I ever be satisfied?
https://www.acoustic.ua/forms/calculator4.en.html For a small fee, have your room analyzed with a M.A.T.T. test and stop the guess work      
Will you hear the most beautiful music...
CholesterOil? Coronary on the way.   
Electronic Bass Trap Experience
BTW, Unfortunately  Bag End ELF has no product as updates to their current version have been delayed since the pandemic.   
which turntable for the future?
@renatocomes, I have the same set up but did the Gert Petersen mod. As good as the MK IV is with the V arm, the mod addressed the bass and increased dynamics amongst other attributes. If you are DYIer, a short week of Sundays will bring the table,... 
The Best Preamp is no Preamp?
Sorry, integrated amps   
The Best Preamp is no Preamp?
I suppose integrates could have a say in this? Thanks   
Decisive moments your your audio journey
On a busy in store weekend in the mid 80’s I was picking up my rebuilt Quad 57’s and the store owner was demonstrating them with a Spectral amp. The sound stopped the entire store, went quiet. Two customers pulling the trigger on loudspeakers stop... 
Best Bang for the Buck Upgrade
Best bang, $340 Duelund/Mundorf Ultra Loudspeaker Purifiers by Audioman58.   
Duelund/Mundorf Ultra Loudspeaker Purifiers
Right out of the box using a 1970’s Akai receiver for breakin, holography plus what wig said. Head shaking not mandatory but unavoidable. They will not be going back. Thank you Audioman58.    
GIK Vicoustic and others
As well stated above, you are doomed without sufficient bass trapping. That’s where the $ needs to go first. All 4 corners 12-16” diameter for the lowest fundamentals and to tame the standing waves, eliminate nulls.   
Beautiful listening rooms
@DeKay, thought he resembled Sinatra.   
Efficient speaker: Zu, Tekton, Volti, Klipsch, Fleetwood?
Open Baffle-PureAudioProject 96db. Wall of sound.   
Have you ever been turned off by an Arrogant Dealer? Thoughts
@ elliotbnewcombjr, you did mention, +10.   
Phono Hum Question
I was assuming the ground wire supplied with the tonearm cables grounded the tonearm. Looking under the tonearm mounting plate I see the ground wire for the plate in which the tonearm is not isolated. It will take me a day or two to make sure that... 
Phono Hum Question
Thank you Kurt, always a pleasure.