Upstream Bottlenecks, Experience, Opinions, Meitner Dac

Are there considerations regarding upstream components that may cause a bottleneck with the DA3? It has a streamer and reclocks. Yesterdays discussion on architecture was very helpful but are there other details, components that may need consideration fully realize the DA3 potential? PC to this DAC, Switch(s), ie Edison with built in LPS, LPS’s for Router, Modem, Additional clocking, Last leg Ethernet cable(8?), grounded? Lan filters. If all the upstream components could have impact, would the switch be the place to start? BTW, I have yet to purchase a new server, FWIW, now using highly modded Mac mini hard wired LPS. Thank you all, DaveH

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@bigwave1 all you need to connect to the ma3 is an ethernet cable. You dont need the usb cable. It access file on your local network over ethernet.

Just hooking up Meitner now. My minds been pre occupied as have dog under radiation for nasal malignancy. Have issue with Mac seeing Meitner in sound preferences, midi etc. version Big Sur. What obvious procedure don’t I see? 

Finally configured. Just hit pay dirt, holy cow. Stevie Ray, Tin Pan Alley. I’m on my way. 

Sorry about the dog, I have cats, when pets suffering not good.


Hopefully streaming stays up and running with that Mac OS. I'd still try the router direct to MA3 and see how the two compare.


Ghasley correct, forget usb, NAS on network, you have good streamer, no need for usb anywhere.

Thanks sns, I’m a retired vet so it also comes with the territory. Taking your advice and going direct. Next purchase lps for router. Have to ask, tried external hd via usb to ma3, Meitner auto switches to network, no problem, sound amazing, just what keeps the usb setting usb on the ma3? Thanks