
Responses from bigkidz

Am I the only one who thinks B&W is mid-fi?
Lots of responses to the B&W question. I own the 803s and have not compared them to that many other speakers. They do require specific equipment to make them sound magical and I do not mean big $$$. First a good high current amp is necessary, ... 
Typical Sterophile where they don't offer any comparisons to other untis in the same price range. I also read the review but my gut tells me you get what you pay for and you would probably be better off buying a used $5,000 player that now sells f... 
What is the best matching DAC for Sony SCD-1 ?
I spsoke to Dodson several months ago after reading reviews of his DACs. He told me that his mods to my Sony SCD-777ES would better any DAC that he could build externally. I did not do the mod yet and good thing since the player just began screwin... 
Acoustic Zen
The Elrod is the cord to purchase but you also my want to try the JPS cords and the Harmonic Technology higher priced cords. Shunyata I beleive is now offering some new power AC cords along with a new line of ICs and speaker cables that are gettin... 
matching bat equipement?
Go to and call (not e-mail) Jim Chambers. He is a BAT dealer and a grat guy who will offer you good advice with NO pressure. I have dealt with Jim for a few years asking him all kinds of audio questions and have only purchased a ... 
mas black speaker cables/URGENT
I purchased a pair of RCA interconnects directly from Stu they are reasonable but you will not be getting the best cable in the world just a good cable at a great price.Hope this helps. 
Power Cord Review
Get Stu's MAS power cord ata 6' for $85. 561-642-4103. His will beat any of the above cords and leave a liitle left over. 
Pwr enhancer or straight from the wall?
High power amps do not mean high current in all cases. You need to take one home from a dealer to see if there is a difference. Make sure you install a hospital grade outlet, $8-$12 througha local electronic store, check your yelow pages for elect...