
Responses from bigkidz

Pass X-250 or McCormack DNA-2 Deluxe
Thanks for all of your responses. I wish that I could audition the amps in my system but since the McCormack is not a current model, the seller is not interested in sending it to me for a home audition.Everyones comments were well received.Thanks ... 
JPS Labs power cables
I have the JPS Power AC (not the +) and the digital AC. I compared them to the Anlysis Plus Power Ovl, the TG Audio Silver and the Auddience Power Cord. I prefered the JPS cords. There is a very good review of the Analysis Plus cord in SoundStage ... 
AZ Satori - Jumper cables or "Gun" biwired?
Several weeks ago I was going through the same thing. I called Robert Lee and he told me that the Holograms were going through a change. He told me to try both to see what I would like (he would send them to me to try). He also told me that he pre... 
Torn between JPS and Black Mamba for cd player
I use the JPS digital and JPS power AC cords and comapred them in my sytem directly to Analysis Plus, TG Audio Silver and recently the Audience power cord. I found that the JPS sounded right for my personal tastes. The differences wre very minor b... 
SIlver Cable Experiences?
I also was lookig for silver speaker cables and found that the really good ones are very very expensive. I ended up speaking with Bob Crump and he was very helpful in his opinion of why silver sounds bright and what he does to his cables to elimin... 
Strategies for preserving tube life
Does any one else have suggestions for tube rings or socks and do you know if they really work? Tmcroy notes Pearl tube coolers and I know that ARC and Ensemble have some fings and socks? Any comments?Thanks.Email me at 
What's your profession? Age?
I am in sales, selling to financial institutions. Age 45. My current system retails for $25K. Most of it was purchased slightly pre-owned for around 30-50% off. This does not include the $10K or so that is laying around and not being used. 
Words From the Wise
Great input already but I suggest buying lots of mucic that you want to listen to and keep looking for new material. My system changed over time becasue my musical tastes changed with age and exposure to new material. It also changed as my career ... 
Next Up-grade, Power Cables?
Go with the Elrods if you can. There are also many reviews on the Stereo Times and Soundstage internet sites on AP cables. One reviewer found the AP Power Ovals to emphasize the upper and lower frequency extremes and that is what I heard in my sys... 
cable help?
Go look for a good used pair of cables and you will get better performance than new in your price range. Used Harmonic Technologies, etc. 
interconnect suggests under 300 used.
Forget buying a new pair of cables and go buy a better used pair and really hear the difference. My 2 cents worth. Galen Carol is also a great guy. 
Bryston B14 ST or BAT VK-500???
The BAT is probably the most musical of the two but either is a good choice. I prefer to spend some extra $$$ and look for a Sim Audio or other hgih quality amp versus these two choices. I know a guy who has the Talon speakers and he is driving th... 
Dedicated AC Line or Upgrade Equipment?
Agree with G M C and get the JPS cable and the dedicated lines. Also, Joe at JPS gave me some great advice on setting up dedicated lines, etc. 
What is the best matching DAC for Sony SCD-1 ?
Sorry, Durbin I spoke to Dodson again last week and he told me that he does not do mods. I cannot believe that I got it wrong but he told me I was wrong. Now I am thinking who told me that? 
Neutral preamps
The BAT VK-30 SE and BAT VK-50 SE sound very neutral to me.