
Responses from bigkidz

looking for best isolation platform for CD player
Rcprince is correct. The KWorks IsobaseKs were the best isolation designs I have heard especially for the money. The bases are designed to reduce vibration instead of the coupling and decoupling devices. The designer offers Power Cords (Empowered ... 
Where is my weakest link?
No dedicated AC lines? Or power AC conditioning maybe the biggest bang for the buck. What are you using to isolate vibration with the CDP, etc.? 
Amp for Wilson Watt Puppy 7
You may want to contact Mikey Fremer at Stereophile. He just reviewed them but he had many high end amps on hand that he did not mention in the review along with the Halcros, his MF amps, Pass mono blocks, Musical Fidelity new mono blocks, etc. I ... 
Sonus Faber Cremona Vs. Dynaudio Contour S3.4
I have heard both at two different dealers. The Sonus with an all Krell system 400 wpc the Dyno's with a Meridian front end using the Accuphase 30 wpc class A amp with on board DAC. The Sonus are a wonderful sounding speakers leaning towards the w... 
Review: Ridge Street Audio Midnight Silver Edition GEN. II Interconnect
Lak,I may have a new IC for you to try out in the near future. I have been selling the Empowered AC cord and the designer now is ready with his new ICs. They are designed around the same principal as the power cord, reducing noise for better detai... 
B & W Nautilus
The N802 is a very nice speaker for the used prices. You need to mate them to the right components. I have heard them with Krell amps and they sound very nice, I have heard them with an Accuphase 30 wpc class A amp and thought they sounded too bri... 
Pass Labs X-250 and CJ Premier 17LS
I heard the copmbo with the MKII and it was very nice sounding. There should be no problems with the Pass X-250.Happy Listening 
What benefit do bullet plugs add to ICs?
Since there is more plastci than metal they are less conductive than metal ends so they help to reduce RF, etc. 
What are you all doing to modify your cds?
I gave up my muscle car, GTO, a while ago but now have the new Z. Maybe I will add a blower or two on it in a year or two. Oh yeah, I have also tried some juice and edge markers and sometimes they do make a difference but for the price they are al... 
HMS. cables
What he said last! (Nrchy). 
NAD S200 vs Pass Lab x-250
Longho68, what is the rest of your system and what are you trying to improve? IMO I would upgrade the CDP and speakers first before the amp. I did the opposite and now I am looking for speakers to match the X-250. It was one of the best SS amps I ... 
Great CDP with No volume control
I just was at a dealer who have the Aero Cap and he ran it through a preamp. He told me that he preferred the preamp to not using one. 
Spectron Musician II vs. "Big" Tube Amps
As you already probably know, Albert S. loves the amp and does use it to voice some of his speakers. That being said, it is a very clean and clear sounding amp but I felt it lacked depth compared to some of the other SS amps. It is not a tube amp ... 
Sony's New SACD Player
Jeffcott, I am still laughing, thanks!Happy Listening. If you are in the NYC area let me know, I'll buy. 
Sony's New SACD Player
Trelja is soo right, but speaking of right, can you say modwright? By the time the new Sony hits the market, there will be a few guys/gals already offering ways to improve it and get past the limiting issues just like in aftermarket parts for auto...