
Responses from bigkidz

Vandersteen Model 5 speakers
I spoke to a dealer and he told me that the damage would be to the mid-range driver as it could not handle the low end and could warp the voice coil.Pmotz can you send me instrudtions on home made filter to purchased an old... 
How are Hig-End Speakers Priced?
Here is my example to my preamp. To develop my preamp it cost me over 5,000 in various parts just to try them out to see how the preamp would sound. Along the way there were so many changes based upon parts availability and how they worked togethe... 
Differences between SR Tesla and Supra Sword
Lots of Wiener Wagging going on here! LOL! 
How are Hig-End Speakers Priced?
5 times the cost is what I was told also. I am building a preamp for commercail sale and after I added it all up, it would be priced at over $10K by this standard. Parts add up quickly. 
Meadowlark Nighthawk, Heron, Heron i, Blue Heron 2
I am looking to hook up with an audio club in Texas to introduce my new preamp (transfomer coupled DHT). Do you belong to a club or know of one?Thanks 
Counterpoint SA20
J is correct when he states - I know how to repair these things but based on my experience with SA100, SA220, NP100, and NP220 your best bet is to get a basic rebuild from Mike and add an upgraded Hammond 158L choke. He got me started and then I h... 
Meadowlark Nighthawk, Heron, Heron i, Blue Heron 2
Thanks GMC. I read some of your posts on the BH2s and I just purchased the Nighthawks for a song. I amost pull th etrigger on the BH 1s but got cold feet about the tweeter. Where are you located? 
Best tube preamp ever
I agree with Jazdoc. I will have a DHT preamp which can use any of these tubes 101D, 26, 226, 326 out next month. All point to point wiring, transformer volume control and custom made transformers which after trying out more than I can count on on... 
Best tube preamp ever
Gago1101 where do you live? I amy be able to help you out with preamp selection. I have a few items for sale on Audiogon now so you can send me a message through one of my ads (don't worry I am not going to push my COunterpoint SA-5000 on you) I j... 
Best of old model speakers under $1800 vs my Alons
Yeah Grannyring, you purchased the ones on Agon that I was waiting for pictures of. You @#$*%&^%#(#) 
Best of old model speakers under $1800 vs my Alons
Bob, waht speakers have you heard that these speakers compete with? 
Talon khorus vs. Nola Viper iia
"The Khorus is a mess of a speaker. No bass, a muffled and distant midrange. Serious phase issues. Everything sounds like a blanket was thrown over them. Have to be cranked to max to sound good and by then you are deaf."Interesting, not what I hea... 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
Interesting read. I have listened to the MAXX IIs and Sophia IIs and with the correct associated gear, they are excellent speakers. Over priced, that is not for me to decide. I can also agree that without the correct assocaited equipment, they can... 
Speaker suggestions at around $30k
Good suggestions but what you really need is a fantastic preamp like a direct heated triode that is transformer coupled first, then you can build a nice system around it. Other preamps using caps cannot provide you with the detail, soundstage, spe... 
Dali 400mkii or 800mkii?
Brownsfan, the congestion you heard may not be the speakers, it oculd be the preamp or if CD source the dac section unless you really know the equipment you auditoned them with. I agree with the looks and sound you mention otherwise.Happy Listening.