
Responses from bigby

Speaker advice for listening to Blues music
EgglestonWorks Rosa made in Memphis, TN 
What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?
Spectral Owners, Are you staying Spectral Loyal or leaving the brand behind?
I moved away from tubes into Spectral DMC-30SV and DMA-400  this past summer. The results are fantastic. All my cables were changed from Transparent to MIT.  No problems with hiss.  I did have to add a few ferrite beads to my phono cable, but it w... 
Am I using the right speaker cables?
It may be the room.  If you haven't, call GIK Acoustics to get recommendations on acoustical panels. 
Which DAC as a preamp?
I'm very happy with the PS Audio Directstream DAC.  It is my first DAC.  The DAC sofware can be updated by downloading newer versions from PS Audio. 
The long Ethernet cable will not be a problem.  It can be up to around 100 ft. Mine is about 50 feet too. 
Call GIK Acoustics and ask them for help in selecting a product.  You may decide on something completely different to meet your needs. 
Who makes the highest quality tube amps?
BAT - Balanced Audio Technology. 
Balanced Preamp recommendations up to $5,500
For balanced, try BAT (Balanced Audio Technology). I owned their VK-32 se model. It was agreat pre amp. 
What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(
Used cables used to be easy to sell at a 50% discount.  Now it is more like 75 percent just to get an even lower bid.  In addition, most of the sales for me come from Asia.  You send it to an address in California.  They forward it to the buyer in... 
Good, better, best. VPI Classic 1 accessories and upgrades.
Go with the sds and the perif ring. I have a vpi classic 3. It has a much bigger sound stage with the sds dialed in (you should also get the gear to check the tt speed). You need the perif ring to flatten the record if you use the center weight. 
Buying a used cartridge...tell us your tale.
Bought a re-tipped Benz-Micro LP. Great sound and still going strong. 
Buying a used cartridge...tell us your tale.
Beautiful looking. Fantastic sound and still going strong. 
has BAT priced itself out of the market?
They are matching market pricing from their competitors for high-end tube amps. Maybe someday they may fill in the gap between the VK-55SE and the REX. With the increase in prices over the past few years, you can't even afford the better used mono... 
Room treatments behind or between speakers?
I use diffusion (RPG Modffractal)between the speakers and absorption/diffusion (RPG ARC BAD Panels) behind the speakers. On the back wall I have absorption/diffusion. In the corners I use absorption (RealTraps Mondo Traps) and on the front and bac...